Popular Names in Connecticut

Popular names in Connecticut for 2022 feature Olivia and Liam at the head of the list. Both names also top the most popular baby names 2022 list.

Several top Connecticut baby names are unique to the state, ranking outside of the national Top 10. These are Madison and Sofia for girls, and Jack, Michael, and Luca for boys.

The top Connecticut girl names include multi-syllable names such as Liliana, Cecilia, Gabriella, Isabelle, Eloise, and Juliette. Top Connecticut boy names including Chase, Lorenzo, Cole, and George are notably more popular in the Constitution State than in the US as a whole.

To browse popular names lists from the US and around the world, visit our main Popular Names page. You might also want to browse Nameberry's real-time lists of Popular Girl Names 2022 and Popular Boy Names 2022.

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