Boy Names 2024 -- What's Hot, New, Trending

Baby boy names have never been more exciting -- or challenging. The hottest trends in boys' names for 2024 include:

Girl Names for Boys -- James for a girl is so 2015. Today, the new names crossing gender boundaries include Juniper, Jade, and Willow, all cool choices for baby boys.

The AI Names -- No, this is not the year to let AI name your baby. We mean names with the fashionable -ai ending, from the OG Kai to new choices for boys like Ozai and Esai.

Popular Boy Names

popular boy names

Popular boy names on Nameberry include the top 2000 baby boy names that attracted the most attention from our visitors over the past month. Our exclusive list of popular boy names 2024 offers real-time insight into which male names parents are considering right now for their sons.

Top 2000 Baby Boy Names 2024

Unique Boy Names

baby names - unique

Looking for unique boy names? We've got all the cool and unusual names for your baby boy you've ever heard of and thousands you haven't. We love to show you our favorite names, like the starter names below. We've also got lists of unique, unusual, and rare boy names that can help you search for the perfect name for your baby son.

Baby Boy Names in the News

Muslim Baby Names Are Full of Meaning
Wed Apr 10 2024

Muslim Baby Names Are Full of Meaning

Good meanings are a fundamental principle of all Muslim baby names. Explore some of the most popular Muslim names for boys and girls, as well as some rare Muslim baby names with great meanings.
Soft Boy Names Are Sensitive And Strong
Fri Apr 05 2024

Soft Boy Names Are Sensitive And Strong

Soft boy names are the antidote to the hyper-macho names that have been trending in recent years. The new softer sound in male names reflects society's changing perception of masculinity.
Baseball Names Hit It Out of the Park
Thu Mar 28 2024

Baseball Names Hit It Out of the Park

For the new Major League season, we pitch a long list of baseball-related names and nicknames, some more wearable than others.

Baby Boy Names A-Z

Are you looking for a boy name starting with a particular letter? Perhaps you're searching for a third J boy name to match with siblings, or you hope to honor a family member by using their initials, or maybe you just want an easy way to explore what's out there! Browse our full list of boy names by first letter here. Find all our search by letter tools on the Baby Names A-Z page.

See Boy Names by Origin


Baby boy name origins are an excellent way to search our full list of boys names. Many parents choose to honor their family's heritage by choosing a baby name from the same source, others just love the style of boy names from a certain language or culture. Our detailed lists of boys' names organized by origin are the perfect starting point.

Search Boy Names by List

boy names by list - 3

Boy name lists are a great way to search for a name for your son, whether you're looking for a saint's name or a name with swagger and sass, a traditional name or one that's newly invented. No matter what kind of name you want, there's a list for that. If there's not, you can make one!

Strong Boy Names

Strong boy names

Strong boy names with powerful meanings are one of the most popular groups with parents, especially in times of uncertainty. Many of these strong names don't have a particularly macho image; some are even gender neutral. But the meanings of strength and power give them some extra muscle.

Tips for Naming Your Boy

toddler boy brain thinking smart

Finding the perfect name for a son can be a daunting task. There are thousands of names out there — how do you choose the right one for your baby? If your due date is creeping nearer and you still don’t have a name, follow these tips:

Determine your preferred style of names

Do you want a modern name for your boy or a name that is rooted in tradition? Modern names tend to have fewer associations, allowing your child to build his own identity, while traditional names can tie your child to an important history or legacy.

Consider gender identity

Are you looking for gender neutral names that won’t reveal your child’s sex? Or would you prefer a name that’s clearly masculine for your little boy? This choice may play into your feelings about gender identity, or be closely tied to style — gender neutral baby names are often very contemporary.

Decide how popular is too popular

We live in an age where cool and unusual names are highly coveted. This adds to the diversity of names and means your child is unlikely to be one of three Noahs in his kindergarten class. But everyone’s popularity threshold is different when it comes to their own baby’s name. Check the Social Security Administration for the official rankings, and consult parents in your neighborhood to learn which names are common in your social circle.

Start the search

Create a collection of baby names that speak to you. Anything goes! Take inspiration from your favorite TV shows, names you overhear in the grocery store, and our Nameberry lists.

Narrow it down

Work with your partner to identify a shortlist. Cross off names you can’t agree on, ones that don’t match your requirements, and any names that don’t feel right for your baby.

Make a choice

Time to decide on The One. Some parents choose their baby’s name before the birth, while others wait to meet their baby to make sure it fits. Know that it may take a while before your baby grows into their name, but with time, it will feel tailor-made for him.

Need more help?

Subscribe to our newsletter and get an exclusive link to our new e-book, The Expert's Guide to Naming Your Baby.

Generate Your American Name

July baby names -- American name generator

Between Juneteenth and the Fourth of July, Americans have been enjoying a lovely run of summer holidays. Which at Nameberry, puts us in mind of American names. Need a new American name for a baby, a character, yourself? Try our new American Name Generator.

Get Expert Advice on Naming Your Baby Boy

boy in basket

The baby name experts at Nameberry can help you find the perfect name. Whether you need one name or are looking for someone to walk you through the entire baby naming process, private name consulting can help you make a choice you'll love forever.

Talk About Boy Names

mom boy computer watching laptop bed home

Talk about your favorite boy names with other expectant parents and name lovers on our friendly forums. You can get advice and feedback on your top choices, gather new ideas and inspiration, or simply discuss all things boy names with our knowledgeable members from around the world.

Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide, Nameberry Style

pregnancy guide

Nameberry's Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide has you covered, from TTC to the fourth trimester (wait, there's a fourth trimester?). We look at everything from medical signposts to useful gear to, yep, baby names.

Find your type.

Analyze your Baby Name DNA and find the names that match your unique style.
Random Name Generator

Random Name Generator

Why spend months searching for the perfect baby name when you can generate one with the touch of a button with our Random Name Generator? It's quick, it's easy, it's random. Try it now.