Popular Names in Vermont

Popular names in Vermont in 2022 are led by Amelia and Henry. Amelia and Henry are also among the most popular baby names 2022 nationally. Top national girls name Olivia ranks all the way at Number 16 in Vermont, while Top national boys name Liam ranks at Number 7.

The Vermont Top 10 names include many unique choices that are not found on the national Top 10 list. These are Violet, Juniper, Hazel, Eleanor, and Iris for girls. Iris ranks as low as Number 84 nationally, and Juniper all the way at Number 114. For boys, names unique to the Top 10 include Jackson, Hudson, Levi, Jack, and Wyatt.

Vermont is the second-least populous state in the Union, meaning it takes relatively few births for a name to make the Top 100. Uncommon names that are particularly popular in Vermont include elaborate girls names such as Annabelle, Francesca, and Octavia; outdoorsy names like Magnolia, River, and Wren for girls, Atlas and Jasper for boys, and Rowan for both; and vintage choices such as Ruth, Hattie, Arthur, and Otis.

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