San Francisco Baby Names

Top San Francisco Baby Names on Nameberry

The top San Francisco baby names among Nameberry visitors from that city are Alaia and Arlo.

San Francisco’s Number 1 girl name is Alaia, a multicultural name that currently ranks Number 128 on the US Top 1000 baby names. San Francisco is the only city out of 12 in which Alaia ranks.

Arlo is the Number 1 name in San Francisco for boys. In addition to San Francisco, Milo is the top boy name among Chicago baby names and Minneapolis baby names. Arlo also ranks in the Top 10 lists of New York, LA, Atlanta, and Boston.

San Francisco has the most top names in common with Minneapolis, sharing five names. Both cities include Lucy and Elena on their Top 10 lists for girls. Arlo, Soren, and Jude rank for boys in both San Francisco and Minneapolis.

Girl names that rank on San Francisco’s Top 10 and no other city’s are Ella, Maisie, Olive, and Scarlett. Boy names that are unique to San Francisco’s Top 10 include Leon and Evander.

Comparing San Francisco's top names to the official list of popular California baby names, no names are shared between Top 10s. Compared with the top Los Angeles baby names, parents in both California cities have Arlo, Felix, Atlas, and Asher on their Top 10 for boys, and no shared names for girls.

Here are the Top 10 San Francisco baby names by visitors to Nameberry from that city.

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