Ssssssh: Here are the Secret Names
Every so often, we hear from a desperate baby-namer who demands to see our list of secret names. You know, the names so wonderful, so special, that we don’t share them with anyone else.
I love the image of a top-secret name roster locked away like The DaVinci Code. I imagine such a list within a golden box, encrusted with jewels, hidden deep within the vault of a majestic bank in some exotic city. Once a year, Linda and I take it out and survey it, making sure all the names on it still really are secret and unique enough to keep literally under armed guard.
But if there were such a list, and we did leak it to a truly tormented name seeker, who then used one of these superlative names, the name would not be secret anymore. In fact, if it were that amazing, everybody else would immediately start to use it, and soon it would be run-of-the-mill.
Obviously, there’s no list of secret names. But nameberry has plenty of choices in its database hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered. We’re turning up new ones ourselves all the time.
So here, today’s Top Ten Secret, not-so-secret baby names you may not have come upon in your own explorations but that are definitely worth considering:
For girls —
For boys —
Anybody else discover some great secret names among the more than 50,000 on nameberry? Want to share?