Scorpio Namers
Scorpio, you're known for your intensity, willpower, and deep emotions, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Scorpio name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Scorpio baby.
The Scorpio Namer
The naming process is very emotional for you, Scorpio. It’s something you take very seriously, and you put a lot of thought and energy into choosing the right name. You do all the research to find names that meet your requirements, and will not let up until The Name is settled.
But this conversation is under lock and key. You will only discuss names with your partner, and nobody else — not even family — will know the name until the baby is born. To you, the ultimate betrayal would be for someone to steal your carefully chosen, ultra-unique baby name, so the utmost caution will be taken to ensure that it stays under wraps.
Scorpio, you take control of the naming process, which can cause friction when naming with a partner. You will get into an argument about names, if that’s what it takes to get your way. And you likely will get your way, since you don’t back down about any subject, let alone one as important as your child’s name.
You have a strong desire to be loyal to your own family and connections, which may lead to tension. Remember that if you are naming your child with a partner, there are two sides of the family that need to be represented. You are likely to come up with a creative solution — perhaps there’s a name that can subtly honor two grandparents.
It’s easy to take things personally when naming with a partner. You may interpret their baby name vetoes as a rejection of you, especially if you haven’t spoken up about your feelings in the baby name process.
Beware of your impulse to manipulate your partner behind the scenes in an attempt to get them to come around to your favorite names. An open and honest conversation about your values in a name will get you further.
Scorpio Name Style
Scorpio, you love a name that gets a reaction. Whether it’s adoration, astonishment, or abhorrence doesn’t really matter, as long as your baby’s name brings the drama and pegs you as a cool, edgy parent. It’s all about aesthetics, vibes, and mood.
That means popular names are out of the question for you, Scorpio. You want your child to have a rare name that makes a statement and sets them apart from the crowd. You’re drawn to names with history to them, and may be among the first to revive a forgotten name or reimagine ancient names for modern use. You like bold, dramatic sounds, and may be attracted to names with spiky consonants such as X, Z, and V.
Scorpio, you like names that have a personal connection, but the association should be subtle. Rather than honoring someone by putting their actual name on the birth certificate — how obvious! — you are more likely to make an allusion to the honoree. Perhaps your child was named after your grandmother’s favorite color or a character from your favorite novel.
This can also be reflected through name meaning. The meaning of your child’s name may hold a hidden message that reflects your hopes and dreams for them or a secret and meaningful tie to you and your partner.
More than any other sign, you understand that you are naming a future adult, not a baby. Scorpio, you don’t mess around with cutesy names or childish nicknames — this child needs a grown-up name that will serve them for their entire life.
Names a Scorpio Might Like
Rare, striking, and rooted names like Odette and Laszlo tend to draw you in, Scorpio. Even better if they have a dark side, such as Ophelia and Azriel.
- Abraxas
- Azriel
- Bjorn
- Boaz
- Cecily
- Evander
- Guinevere
- Jethro
- Lavender
- Laszlo
- Maude
- Odette
- Ophelia
- Oz
- Pax
- Sybil
- Taj
- Tallulah
- Vita
- Zinnia
Scorpio Naming Partners
Scorpio, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.
Scorpio & Aries
Scorpio, both you and Aries bring a lot of passion to the baby name process. Read more
Scorpio & Taurus
Scorpio, you and Taurus are a good match emotionally, so while you may have differences in name taste, you are likely to come to an agreement easier than other couples. Read more
Scorpio & Gemini
Scorpio, both you and Gemini want a baby name that gets people talking. Read more
Scorpio & Cancer
Scorpio, you and Cancer are in tune with each others’ emotions and desires and generally will be sensitive to each other throughout the baby name process. Read more
Scorpio & Leo
Scorpio, you and Leo are true individualists, so a dramatic and unique name is high on each parent’s list of priorities. Read more
Scorpio & Virgo
Scorpio, you and Virgo make a good team when it comes to life, love, and baby naming. Read more
Scorpio & Libra
Scorpio, you and Libra have opposing values when it comes to baby names. Read more
Scorpio & Scorpio
No one understands a Scorpio better than a fellow Scorpio, so two of you naming a baby together can be a strong match. Read more
Scorpio & Sagittarius
Scorpio, you and a Sagittarius partner will choose more exciting names than almost any other couple of the zodiac. Read more
Scorpio & Capricorn
Scorpio, you and Capricorn intuitively understand each other. Read more
Scorpio & Aquarius
Scorpio, with an Aquarius partner, your child will have an unparalleled name. Read more
Scorpio & Pisces
Scorpio, both you and Pisces want your child’s name to arouse emotion in others. Read more
Naming a Scorpio Baby?
Naming a baby Scorpio? Head to our list of Scorpio Names to find the right name for your little scorpion.
See All Zodiac Names
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Scorpio Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign
While most children are curious, you’ll find that your Scorpio child is intensely engaged in various layers of the world around them. Endlessly perceptive, they’ll be captivated when they’re playing with a toy or book that puts investigation at the heart of the activity (think: a board book that has flaps under which your little Scorpion can discover illustrations or elements).
And for the fixed water sign, having access to certain security-bolstering elements—from a favorite blanket to reliable, designated snuggle time with you—at all times will be reassuring and mood-boosting.
Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.
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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm
Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode