Scorpio: Naming a Baby With a Scorpio Partner

No one understands a Scorpio better than a fellow Scorpio, so two of you naming a baby together can be a strong match. You are in tune with each other’s desires and can empathize with the other’s emotions related to names.

As two Scorpios, you are on the same page when it comes to what you’re looking for in a name. The child of Scorpio parents will have a rare, dramatic name with a subtle personal connection or hidden meaning — a name that is top secret until after the baby is born.

If you communicate well, you are unlikely to have any major disagreements. However, if there is a fight, it’s going to be dirty. As Scorpio partners, you are most likely to argue over control of the baby name process, as each of you would prefer to have more of a say in your child’s name.

If naming a baby with a fellow Scorpio, you would do well to remember that there are two people involved in naming their baby, not just one. If problems arise, take a step back and find a way to incorporate both of your wishes.

Celebrity Scorpio & Scorpio Namers

Vanessa & Nick Lachey: Odin, Saoirse & Pearl

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