Scorpio: Naming a Baby With a Cancer Partner

Scorpio, you and Cancer are in tune with each others’ emotions and desires and generally will be sensitive to each other throughout the baby name process. However, both of you are indirect communicators, and may incorrectly assume your partner can read your minds.

Both of you are on top of the trends and will choose a name that is in step with current fashions. You and your Cancer partner will easily agree on keeping the child’s name private before the birth — you for fear of a stolen baby name and Cancer because others’ opinions may color their own.

You are the more dominant of these signs and run the risk of taking over the baby name process in this pairing. Cancer has trouble tuning into their own emotions, and if you are persistent enough, will give in to your wishes. This may please you, but could lead to regret and resentment on the part of your partner.

The primary disagreement between you and your Cancer partner when it comes to a baby name is the level of popularity. You want a dramatic name that stands out from the crowd, while Cancer prefers a name that will allow their child to fit in among peers.

Both of you look for names with traditional roots and personal connections, so use that as your starting point if you have a Cancer partner.

Celebrity Scorpio & Cancer Namers

Marisol Nichols & Taron Lexton: Rain India

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