Aries Namers

zodiac names the aries namer

Aries, you're known for your passion, ambition, and competitive spirit, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Aries name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Aries baby.

The Aries Namer

If baby naming was a contest, you’d be the winner, Aries. You’re a competitive baby namer, and that means finding the best name for your child — the best name off your list, the best name in your family, and the best name in your neighborhood.

Naturally, you have strong opinions about what the best might be. You’re direct with your partner and aren’t afraid to share any hard feelings about names they bring to the table. And you’d want them to do the same! Or so you say. You have the tendency to be the stronger voice, so make sure you hold your partner’s opinion to equal weight, and be cautious about your phrasing if dealing with a more delicate partner.

Aries, one of the great things about you is that you are willing to take risks with your child’s name. You’ll push the envelope if that means it will bring you to a better baby name, and aren’t easily swayed by others’ interpretations.

However, beware of making an impulsive decision. You may stumble across what you think is the perfect name, but commit too early and end up regretting it. Only start ordering monogrammed bath towels once you’re really sure you’ve found The One.

When it comes to sharing your child’s name before the birth, you make a calculated decision. You would hate for someone to steal your prize-worthy choice, but it may be worth it to stake a claim over the name before anyone else has a chance to get to it.

Aries Name Style

Aries, your favorite names make an impact. They might be grandiose or just plain bold, but typically, you are ahead of the style curve.

Any risks you take will pay off. People may raise an eyebrow at a child named Barnaby now, but in ten years when they realize it’s a mainstream name? They’ll recognize that you knew something they didn’t.

You are open to both modern and traditional names, Aries, as long as they are energetic and exciting. You love to be the first to do almost anything, so you may be the first to revive a forgotten antiquity or use a brand-new name.

Aries, you are one of the bravest namers of the zodiac, so you have no fear when it comes to controversial names. You wouldn’t blink twice at a name like Lilith or Azrael. In fact, those names might be on your shortlist.

You understand that your child’s name says a lot about you as a parent, so you work to ensure it says the right things about you. Whatever you’re most proud of — your nationality, your hometown, your loved ones — is sure to be reflected somehow in your child’s name.

Names an Aries Might Like

Vibrant names with vigor and verve — think Viva and Roscoe — along with vintage names almost ready for revival, like Augusta and Phineas, may appeal to your lively and daring Aries taste.

Aries Naming Partners

Aries, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.

Aries & Aries

Aries & Aries

Aries, you and your fire twin are a force of nature when your focus and determination share a common goal. Read more

Aries & Taurus

Aries & Taurus

Aries, when you and your Taurus partner set your minds to finding the perfect baby name, nothing can stop you. Read more

Aries & Gemini

Aries & Gemini

Aries, Gemini will bring a wonderful sense of lightness and play to your focused search for an unforgettable, powerful name. Read more

Aries & Cancer

Aries & Cancer

Aries, it may seem as if you and your Cancer partner are on opposite teams, but if you communicate well, you’ll end up with an excellent baby name that suits both partners. Read more

Aries & Leo

Aries & Leo

Aries, Leo is as excited as you are to find a powerful, eye-catching name. Read more

Aries & Virgo

Aries & Virgo

Aries, you and your Virgo partner bring different strengths to the baby name process. Read more

Aries & Libra

Aries & Libra

Aries, Libra’s inclusive approach will support your intense focus, making for a powerful combination of purpose and harmony. Read more

Aries & Scorpio

Aries & Scorpio

Aries, both you and Scorpio bring a lot of passion to the baby name process. Read more

Aries & Sagittarius

Aries & Sagittarius

Aries, Sagittarius shares your goal of an expansive, definitive name, and will love exploring the most adventurous names on your list. Read more

Aries & Capricorn

Aries & Capricorn

Aries, when you and Capricorn are naming a baby together, you’ll settle for nothing short of the best. Read more

Aries & Aquarius

Aries & Aquarius

Aries, you love to make an impact, and Aquarius is all for it. Read more

Aries & Pisces

Aries & Pisces

Aries, you take charge of the baby name process, which can be a relief to your indecisive Pisces partner. Read more

Naming an Aries Baby?

aries names

Naming a baby Aries? Head to our list of Aries Names to find the right name for your fiery little one.

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Aries Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign

A wide-eyed little Ram enjoys being on the go as much as possible. They’re thrilled by new experiences, from riding in a jogging stroller to soaking up the sights and sounds at the playground.

Mini Aries are action-oriented to the core. They love participating in high-energy activities like clapping along to a song or making lots of noise with a rattle. They also tend to enjoy physical humor, so slapstick tricks, like pretending to fall, might entertain your infant Ram.

Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.

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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode