Aries: Naming a Baby With an Aquarius Partner

Aries, you love to make an impact, and Aquarius is all for it. Your partner in naming is one of the most innovative in the zodiac, and will encourage your wildest ideas. Together, you will explore names that radiate presence.

Neither of you care about fitting in as much as you do being true to yourselves. Aquarius will think deeply about how each name aligns with their personal values, while you consider how each name announces itself as a pioneer and tastemaker. You want to be far ahead of trends, and so does Aquarius, who will prefer forward thinking names instead of ones that look to the past for inspiration.

Aquarius is deeply intellectual, and will enjoy having long conversations about each name, especially the ones that seem to break all the rules. Make an effort to give Aquarius this same consideration — with all your ambitious drive, you may be tempted to dominate the conversation with strong opinions instead of an open dialogue. Aquarius can’t help but deeply consider each choice, so there will be no rushing them.

Aquarius’ analytical process will protect you from making a rash decision, as they will examine the name from all angles. When you do make your final decision, Aquarius’ solid commitment will make you feel even more confident in your choice.

With Aquarius as your partner, this is your chance to go big. Go for all the originality and verve that you want — Aquarius will heartily support your most innovative, groundbreaking name inspirations.

Celebrity Aries & Aquarius Namers

Sibi Blazic & Christian Bale: Emmeline & Joseph

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