Aries: Naming a Baby With a Virgo Partner
Aries, you and your Virgo partner bring different strengths to the baby name process. Working together will require patience from both sides, but the end result will be a prize-worthy name that meets both partners’ standards.
You’re in a rush to get things started and settled, and are attracted to bold, dynamic names. Your Virgo partner is determined to take their time to identify the perfect name. Their primary concern is practicality, which lends itself to familiar, often traditional names — not necessarily your favorites.
Allow your differences to bring you together rather than push you apart. Both you and Virgo are open communicators. Be honest — but tactful — with each other, and stay open to learning from your partner.
Fair-minded Virgo will keep your priorities in mind and dig into the nitty gritty to find a name that suits both of you. You can help Virgo loosen some of their rigid requirements, and they can ensure your child ends up with a name that is wearable in everyday life.
Celebrity Aries & Virgo Namers
Keira Knightley & James Righton: Edie & Delilah
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