Playground Analysis: The REAL most popular names

Playground Analysis: The REAL most popular names

By Kelli BradyName Freak!

You must be aware of the 2015 SSA top baby name list by now, but are you a bit confused by the #1 names? Maybe you hear a lot more “Jackson!” than “Noah!” yelled at the playground? Well, by combining the different spellings of each name, we can determine which name is truly more popular. Because when you hear a name, you don’t necessarily know how it is spelled, but you do know you hear the name a lot. Where does it really rank compared to other names?

Note: These are the combined spellings of the names in the Top 1000 only. When the numbers from the entire list are added, positions could change. The main name listed below is the spelling given to the most babies in 2015 (SSA Rank is in parentheses). The others are in alphabetical order. Opinions vary on how different spellings are pronounced. I went with my best judgment.


On the 2015 SSA list, Emma remains #1 in 2015 after taking over the top spot from Sophia in 2014. The rest of the Top 5 changes a bit, with Ava and Isabella switching places. However, the top 5 of the Playground Analysis has not changed from last year at all. Sophia is still on top when you add the alternate spelling Sofia. Emma is down to #3 after the variant of Olivia is also included. And Isabella passes Ava with its various spellings added. The changes between the SSA list and the Playground Analysis are plentiful however. The largest jumps that take place after adding the alternative spellings are by Adalynn (#123 to #9), Elena (#106 to #39), and Madelyn (#59 to #12). Adalynn also makes a huge jump in the Playground Analysis from 2014 to 2015 (#23 to #9).

  1. Sophia (3) – Sofia

  2. Olivia (2) – Alivia

  3. Emma (1)

  4. Isabella (5) – Isabela, Izabella

  5. Ava (4) – Avah

  6. Mia (6) – Miah

  7. Emily (8) – Emely, Emilee, Emilie, Emmalee

  8. Zoey (23) – Zoe, Zoie

  9. Adalynn (123) – Adaline, Adalyn, Addilyn, Addilynn, Adeline, Adelyn, Adelynn, Adilynn

  10. Amelia (12) – Emelia, Emilia

  11. Abigail (7)

  12. Madelyn (59) – Madalyn, Madalynn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelynn, Madilyn, Madilynn

  13. Madison (11) – Maddison, Madisyn, Madyson

  14. Aubrey (21) – Aubree, Aubrie

  15. Charlotte (9)

  16. Chloe (17) – Khloe

  17. Riley (35) – Rylee, Ryleigh, Rylie

  18. Layla (30) – Laila, Lailah, Laylah, Leila, Leyla

  19. Avery (16) – Averi, Averie

  20. Evelyn (15) – Evalyn, Evelynn

  21. Harper (10)

  22. Ariana (46) – Arianna, Aryana, Aryanna

  23. Elizabeth (13) – Elisabeth

  24. Aria (29) – Ariah, Ariya, Ariyah, Arya

  25. Lily (25) – Lillie, Lilly

  26. Scarlett (22) – Scarlet, Scarlette

  27. Brooklyn (31) – Brooklynn

  28. Allison (39) – Alison, Alisson, Allyson, Alyson

  29. Addison (24) – Addisyn, Addyson

  30. Ella (18)

  31. Natalie (27) – Natalee, Nataly, Nathalie, Nathaly

  32. Leah (36) – Lea, Leia, Lia

  33. Grace (19)

  34. Victoria (20)

  35. Maya (69) – Maia, Miya, Mya, Myah

  36. Mackenzie (73) – Makenzie, Mckenzie

  37. Nora (41) – Norah

  38. Hannah (28) – Hana, Hanna

  39. Elena (106) – Elaina, Alaina, Alayna

  40. Lillian (26) – Lilian

  41. Kaylee (61) – Caylee, Kailee, Kailey, Kayleigh, Kaylie

  42. Camila (43) – Camilla, Kamila

  43. Hailey (64) – Hailee, Haley, Haylee, Hayley

  44. Kylie (66) – Kiley, Kylee, Kyleigh

  45. Anna (44) – Ana

  46. Sarah (58) – Sara

  47. Skylar (42) – Skyler

  48. Peyton (72) – Paityn, Payton

  49. Katherine (84) – Catherine, Kathryn

  50. Paisley (45) – Paislee

Skylar and Paisley enter the Top 50 of the 2015 Playground Analysis, while Gabriella and Annabelle fall.


Both the 2014 SSA list and the Playground Analysis had no major changes to the Top 6, however Jayden and all of its spelling alternatives continue to fall as it moves from #7 to #8 in the Playground Analysis (after falling from #3 to #7 last year). William moves up to #7, but the rest of the top names stay in position. The biggest movers were Kayden (#95 to #9) and Jace (#75 to #29).

  1. Jackson (17) – Jaxen, Jaxon, Jaxson

  2. Aiden (13) – Aaden, Adan, Aden, Aidan, Aydan, Ayden, Aydin

  3. Noah (1) – Noe

  4. Liam (2)

  5. Mason (3) – Maison, Mayson

  6. Jacob (4) – Jakob

  7. William (5)

  8. Jayden (20) – Jaden, Jadon, Jaiden, Jaydon

  9. Kayden (95) – Caden, Caiden, Cayden, Kaden, Kaeden, Kaiden

  10. Ethan (6)

  11. Alexander (8) – Alexzander

  12. James (7)

  13. Michael (9) – Micheal

  14. Elijah (11) – Alijah

  15. Benjamin (10)

  16. Daniel (12)

  17. Matthew (15) – Mathew

  18. Carter (24) – Karter

  19. Logan (14)

  20. Lucas (16)

  21. Grayson (47) – Graysen, Greyson

  22. David (18)

  23. Oliver (19)

  24. Joseph (21)

  25. Caleb (37) – Kaleb

  26. Dylan (27) – Dilan, Dillon

  27. Gabriel (22)

  28. Samuel (23)

  29. Jace (75) – Jase, Jayce

  30. John (26) – Jon

  31. Anthony (25)

  32. Christopher (32) – Cristopher, Kristopher

  33. Isaac (31) – Issac

  34. Luke (28)

  35. Henry (29)

  36. Andrew (30)

  37. Christian (43) – Cristian, Kristian

  38. Joshua (33)

  39. Wyatt (34)

  40. Landon (46) – Landen, Landyn

  41. Sebastian (35)

  42. Owen (36)

  43. Cameron (56) – Camren, Camron, Kameron, Kamren, Kamron, Kamryn

  44. Connor (54) – Conner, Conor, Konnor

  45. Nicholas (62) – Nickolas, Nicolas, Nikolas

  46. Jonathan (48) – Johnathan, Jonathon

  47. Nathan (38)

  48. Ryan (39)

  49. Jack (40)

  50. Julian (45) – Julien

Julian rises into the Top 50 of the 2015 Playground Analysis, while Hunter falls.

Does this echo what you are hearing on the playground?

About the Author

Kelli Brady

Kelli Brady

Kelli Brady is a stay at home mom of two who needed an outlet for her name obsession. She found it at NameFreak!, a blog dedicated to a wide variety of name-related whims and fancies. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter. Her eBook, Name-alytics, is a look at the history of the Top 100 names in the United States. Check it out at!