Antiquarian Names: Colonial craftsmen names
For a number of years, when I wasn’t writing about names, I was writing about antiques and collectibles for a syndicated newspaper column. But of course when I was thinking about antiques, I was still also thinking about names.
Looking at the field of antique furniture, for example, I found that when it came to early British cabinetmakers, the names were relatively unexciting. George Hepplewhite. Robert Adams. Thomas Chippendale. Thomas Sheraton. Nothing too juicy there.
But with the Early American cabinetmakers and clockmakers it was quite a different story. Lots of antiquated Biblical names, more than one Chauncey, Ebenezer and Lemuel, a few virtue names rarely heard in modern times (Prudent, Noble), a couple of Latinate names and a Greek god—in other words a variegated picture of American Colonial and Federal era nomenclature:
Some prime examples:
Abel Cottey
Abner Toppan
Ansel Goodwin
Eliphaler Chapin
Elnathan Taber
Enos Doolittle
Everadus Bogardus
Gerrard Hopkins
Heman Clark
Job Townsend
Macock Ward
Marinus Willett
Maskell Ware
Prudent Mallard
Reverdy Ghiselin
Any of these appeal?