Remy Origin and Meaning
Remy is one of the hottest names today for both boys and girls, sometimes spelled Remi. . It entered the popularity list in 2009 and has quickly become one of the fastest-rising names on the list.
Remy came into the spotlight via the 2007 Disney film Ratatouille, starring an ambitious chef named Remy—who happened to be a rat. The name has also been borne by a variety of human characters in The Da Vinci Code, House, New Girl, and The Fairly Oddparents.
The name of a fifth century saint and one of a new generation of French names being discovered in the US, Remy is one of those ancient names that sounds particularly modern and attractive.
Remy de Gourmont was a French Symbolist poet, and Remy Charlip is a children's book author and illustrator.
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- Remy Rank in Nameberry Top 1000
- Names Similar to Remy
- Famous People Named Remy
- Remy in Pop Culture
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Remy Rank in US Top 1000
Remy Rank in Nameberry Top 1000
Remy Popularity
- 390US2023
- 108Nameberry2025
- 51Unisex2023
- 281Future2028
- 125England2023
- 173Scotland2023
- 98Australia2023
- 98Dogs2020
20 Names Similar to Remy
Famous People Named Remy
- Saint Remy aka RemigiusBishop of Tours
- Remy ThorneAmerican actor
- Remy HiiAustralian actor
- Rémy Vincent AndrianjanakaMalagasy politician
- Remy BelleauFrench renaissance poet
- Rémy BelvauxBelgian actor
- Remy BonjaskySurninam,born Dutch professional K,1 kickboxer
- Rémy CabellaFrench footballer
- Rémy CardFrench Linux software developer
- Rémi CastyFrench rugby league footballer
- Rémy CeillierFrench Benedictine monk and historian
- Remy CharlipAmerican children's book author and illustrator
- Rémy CouvezFrench musician who plays the hurdy,gurdy
- Remy de GourmontFrench writer
- Rémy DésiletsCanadian politician
- Rémy Di GregorioFrench professional cyclist
- Rémy GirardQuébécois actor
- Remy HamiltonAmerican NFL football kicker
- Remy HermosoVenezuelan baseball player
- Remy KeoCambodian politician
- Rémy JulienneFrench stunt performer
- Rémy MaertensBelgian tug of war competitor
- Rémy MartinFrench rugby union flanker
- Remy MunasifiAmerican stand,up comedian, parody musician and video artist
- Rémy NoëEnglish painter of French,Dutch descent
- Remy OngSingaporean bowling champion
- Rémy PflimlinFrench media executive
- Rémy PointereauFrench politician
- Remy PresasFilipino martial artist
- Remy P. PresasAmerican martial artist
- Rémy RaffalliFrench World War II soldier
- Rémy RiouFrench footballer
- Remy ShandCanadian R&B/Soul artist
- Rémy TrudelQuébécois politician
- Rémy VercoutreSoccer goalkeeper
- Remy WellenGerman ice hockey forward
- Achille Rémy PercheronFrench entomologist
- Jean Rémy Ayounéformer foreign minister of Gabon
- JeanRémy Bessieux, French missionary and bishop
- JeanRémy Moët, French wine merchant of Moët et Chandon
- Loic RemyFrench International Footballer
- Jerry RemyAmerican baseball announcer and former player
Remy in Pop Culture
- Remyrat and main character in Pixar's Ratatouille
- Remy Etienne Lebeau aka Gambitcharacter in Marvel's X,Men series
- Remy Delatourcharacter on TV's Devious Maids
- Remy Dantoncharacter on TV's House of Cards
- Remy Baudouincharacter in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
- Remy Buxaplentycharacter in animated series The Fairly OddParents
- Rémy Legaludeccharacter in The Da Vinci Code
- Remy Marathecharacter in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest
- Remy McSwaincharacter in movie "The Big Easy"
- Remycharacter in video game StreetFighter
- Remysecretary of Lord Julian on TV's "Reign"
- RemyLandlord on TV's New Girl
- RemyThomas Sanders personality for "sleep"
- Chris "Remy" Rembrandt a.k.a. Springheelcharacter in the "Commitment" campaign of the podcast "The Adventure Zone"
Remy in Nameberry Blog Posts
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