
English word name
"cardinal direction of north"

North Origin and Meaning

The name North is a boy's name meaning "cardinal direction of north".

A lot of attention was drawn to this name when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced it as the name of their baby daughter, making it instantly unisex.

North is a word name that's long been used, albeit very quietly, a name with a certain purity and strength. It's a good choice if you're from, say, Wisconsin or Maine, love winter or are an avid skier, or if you just want a name that's both very familiar and very unusual.

North is just one of several cool names with a directional slant-others are West, Weston, and Easton.

A young Elijah Wood played the title character in the 1994 film North.

# 907 in the US

North Rank in US Top 1000

# 2239 on Nameberry

North Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

North Popularity

Famous People Named North

  • Douglass North
    winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

North in Pop Culture

  • "North
    " 1994 film and its main character
  • North
    "Rise of the Guardians" fandom nickname for Santa Claus
  • North Callaghan
    a main character in "Fury on Fire" by Sophie Jordan