Aquarius Namers

zodiac names aquarius namer

Aquarius, you're known for your intellect, humanitarianism, and non-conformity, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Aquarius name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Aquarius baby.

The Aquarius Namer

You can see the future of baby naming, Aquarius, and you want to lead the way. Traditions of yore and fleeting trends don’t interest you. You are inspired by the latest naming innovations that are built to last.

Aquarius, you choose baby names based on how well they match your values, rather than style alone. You’re not concerned with what you perceive as minor issues, such as spelling variations or unappealing nickname possibilities.

As long as you and your partner are on the same page about what you’re looking for in a baby name, this process will be a fun one. You are open to hearing your partner’s ideas — even those that are out-of-this-world — and are keen to have in-depth conversations about the merits of each name. However, if a name is not going to work for any reason, your partner better be prepared for you to drop some serious truth bombs.

Naming a baby with you, Aquarius, can feel very intimate. You are only interested in the opinions of your partner — it doesn’t matter what your friends, your family, or the rest of the world thinks.

Your approach to making a final decision is very analytical. You may rank names based on important criteria and consult statistics, using a more detached, intellectual process rather than an emotional and intuitive one. When you do decide on The Name, it’s set in stone. You’ll stand firm unless presented with a compelling reason to make a switch.

Aquarius Name Style

Aquarius, your values are your guiding light when it comes to baby names. As someone who is concerned with humanity, justice, and the environment, these themes are strongly present in the names you choose.

You understand that gender-neutral names are the future. Society’s understanding of gender is shifting, and you want to stay on top of this movement, rather than follow the crowd. Gender-neutral names were probably on your list a decade ago, but now, they’re even higher priority.

Luckily, this works well with your appreciation of the environment, as many nature names are inherently unisex. You may be inspired to choose a name that connects to the natural world, or any other of your many interests, including science, famous intellectuals, space, sci-fi, or edgy art.

As you run ahead of the pack, your favorite names tend to be rare, even one-of-a-kind. You’re not opposed to venturing into uncharted baby name territory and adopting a never-before-used word name, creating a new spelling, or even inventing a new surname for your family.

You’re attracted to modern sounds and dynamic letters, so even if you do choose an established name, it is sure to stand out. It’s important to you that your child has a meaningful and distinctive name — ideally one that they don’t share with anyone they know. That means family names are generally off the table, unless you truly love the name.

True to your direct communication style, you favor names that are frills-free and to the point. Names with many nickname possibilities are not for you. In fact, you’d prefer to avoid nicknames altogether. You’re going to name your child what you want to call them, even if that means putting Bex on the birth certificate rather than Beckett.

Names an Aquarius Might Like

Gender-neutral names are of special interest to you, Aquarius, particularly those with connections to nature — like Emerald and Sylvan — or science, such as Vega and Galen.

Aquarius Naming Partners

Aquarius, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.

Aquarius & Aries

Aquarius & Aries

Aquarius, you and Aries will find the most daring names out of all the zodiac pairings. Read more

Aquarius & Taurus

Aquarius & Taurus

Aquarius, Taurus’ attention to balance will harmonize with your natural idealism. Read more

Aquarius & Gemini

Aquarius & Gemini

Aquarius, when you and Gemini come together to name a baby, it’s a meeting of the minds. Read more

Aquarius & Cancer

Aquarius & Cancer

Aquarius, you and Cancer are on entirely different baby name planets. Read more

Aquarius & Leo

Aquarius & Leo

Aquarius, Leo will juice your name search with a wild dash of energy. Read more

Aquarius & Virgo

Aquarius & Virgo

Aquarius, you and Virgo make an innovative team when it comes to doing a deep dive on all the possible impressions a name can make. Read more

Aquarius & Libra

Aquarius & Libra

Aquarius, when it comes to baby name conversations, there’s no better partner than a Libra. Read more

Aquarius & Scorpio

Aquarius & Scorpio

Aquarius, with a Scorpio partner, your child will have an unparalleled name. Read more

Aquarius & Sagittarius

Aquarius & Sagittarius

Aquarius, you and Sagittarius are both adventurous namers, willing to depart from the expected to find a name that is a beautiful balance of intellect and heart. Read more

Aquarius & Capricorn

Aquarius & Capricorn

Aquarius, you and Capricorn will dive deep when it comes to finding a name, arriving at a choice that upholds both of your dreams of the future. Read more

Aquarius & Aquarius

Aquarius & Aquarius

Aquarius, when naming a child with another water bearer, it’s you two against the world. Read more

Aquarius & Pisces

Aquarius & Pisces

Aquarius, with a Pisces partner, naming your baby is going to be a whole lot of fun. Read more

Naming an Aquarius Baby?

aquarius names

Naming a baby Aquarius? Head to our list of Aquarius Names to find the right name for your little water bearer.

See All Zodiac Names

See All Zodiac Names

Go to the main Zodiac Names page, where you can connect to naming profiles for all the signs.

Aquarius Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign

As the sign related to the Eleventh House of Friends, even the smallest Aquarius is super social and interested in connecting with different types of people—from their loved ones to strangers they pass on an afternoon walk. They’ll light up during music classes, playdates, or anytime they’re in a crowd, making eye contact with and engaging anyone within sight. It’ll be the first sign that you’re raising a tiny humanitarian with an innate interest in being a part of a community.

And as a cerebral, rational, future-thinking air sign, an Aquarian infant will be most delighted when they have toys, puzzles, or games that foster their love of science. It’s really never too soon to introduce your Water Bearer baby to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) concepts.

Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.

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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode