Aquarius: Naming a Baby With a Libra Partner
Aquarius, when it comes to baby name conversations, there’s no better partner than a Libra. The two of you have natural, free-flowing discussions about what you value in a name, along with bigger questions such as: how does a name affect a child’s identity?
You each take an intellectual approach to names, so it’s easy to ignore the emotional side of naming with your Libra partner. Analyzing names according to how well they match your criteria is a skill you bring to the table, but be sure to think about how each name will work in practice, not just theory. Pay attention to any gut feelings that arise during the naming process, and encourage your partner to do the same.
You and Libra agree on your naming philosophies but diverge on the names you’d actually consider for your child. Aquarius, you’re searching for modern, rare, and edgy monikers, while your partner is looking for gorgeous names that are well-liked (and relatively well-used).
Popularity, modernity, and edginess are constantly in flux, but your principles are stable. If you and Libra choose a meaningful name that speaks to your values, you’ll always be satisfied.
Celebrity Aquarius & Libra Namers
Dawn O’Porter & Chris O’Dowd: Art & Valentine (m)
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