Aquarius: Naming a Baby With a Virgo Partner

Aquarius, you and Virgo make an innovative team when it comes to doing a deep dive on all the possible impressions a name can make. You will appreciate the consideration you each bring to the process, and the deep conversations you have over your choices will be their own highlight.

You both bring your analytical A-game when finding the perfect name, though Virgo will be thinking more of every detail, meaning, and overall practicality. This could clash with your focus on innovation and humanitarianism. Luckily, there are so many wonderful places where you agree that you could happily find an exciting name together that wouldn’t have occurred to either of you alone. You are both open to creating new names inspired by family names or the values you hold most dear.

Your deep intellect and respect for Virgo’s process will encourage them to consider some of your more far-flung choices, and you will both agree that versatility is key. Virgo will understand your desire for a clear, direct name, and will find inspiration in your exploration of the unknown. You both agree that the perfect name has nothing to do with trends, but everything to do with an inspired vision.

Celebrity Aquarius & Virgo Namers

Georgia Groome & Rupert Grint: Wednesday

Alicia Keys & Kaseem Dean: Egypt Daoud & Genesis Ali

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