TV Baby Names: Names from The Simpsons — Doh!
The Simpsons has been running for twenty-five years now (an all-time record for a TV show), with hundreds of episodes under its belt, episodes crammed with weird and wacky characters, often with names to match, making both regular and one-shot appearances. But it’s the show’s more normal names that make a rich source of TV baby names.
When it came to the lead characters, creator Matt Groening did what many of us do, which was to name them after family members: Homer and Marge Groening are his parents’ names and Lisa and Maggie his younger sisters’. As for Bart (full name Bartholomew Jojo Simpson), that was derived as an anagram of the word ‘brat.’ (Trivia note: Many of the last names were inspired by street names of Portland.)
Here are some of the most usable _Simpsons-_inspired names— (no Boobarellas here):
Alaska (last name Nebraska)
Birch (born Birchibald)