Virgo Namers
Virgo, you're known for your practicality, perfectionism, and particularities, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Virgo name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Virgo baby.
The Virgo Namer
When it comes to choosing a baby name, you, Virgo, are the expert. Or at least, you will be by the time the process is complete! You apply your highly analytical mind to the task: setting out your requirements, establishing your rules, and doing your research to ensure that your chosen name checks every one of your boxes.
Not for you the random names scribbled on the back of receipts or jumbled hundreds deep in your Notes app. You’re highly discerning about which names make it into the running, and your carefully curated list — okay, spreadsheet — is shared on a strictly need-to-know basis.
Virgo, your attention to detail and organizational skills see you naturally taking charge of the baby naming process, but beware of exercising too much control. Your natural fair-mindedness means that you’re determined to represent both sides of the family equally.
But if naming with a partner, remember that both sides deserve a say in what makes it to the table in the first place. Your love of puzzles and patterns will serve you well in finding creative ways to compromise between your stringent requirements and your partner’s preferences.
The emotional side of naming may come as a surprise — and frustration — to you, Virgo. You approach such important decisions as your child’s name with logic, reason, and rigor. So when your partner shoots down a perfect name without a clear reason or gets hung up on one that doesn’t fit the rules just "because it sounds nice," it can be difficult to handle.
As the age-old saying goes, try not to let perfect be the enemy of good. As a Virgo, you are likely to be hyper-aware of patterns and precedents — but in reality, others are unlikely to notice if you don’t follow the five-letter mold for baby #3, or choose a more popular name for one twin than the other.
While rules and requirements can be helpful in narrowing down a list, don’t let your head completely overrule your heart — or your partner!
Virgo Name Style
Virgo, you’re all about the details. And that means that your perfect name needs to work for your family on many different levels — even if the honors or associations are so subtle that only you are aware of them.
This is where your analytical mind and thorough research really come into their own. All that background knowledge means that you can make connections where others can’t, find clever and creative ways to honor multiple relatives at once, or incorporate diverse family heritage.
Practicality is key for you, Virgo. You’re going to name this baby with every eventuality in mind. You prefer versatile names that work at all stages of life, offer plenty of options, and translate well between languages and cultures.
You’re not opposed to an uncommon or even unique name, but you don’t chase rarity for rarity’s sake. For you, the satisfaction of working towards that perfect multifaceted name far outweighs any external reaction to your choice.
Tradition is important to you, Virgo, and you’re unlikely to be the one to break a longstanding family naming pattern. But don’t be afraid to put your own spin on it! If the idea of a John Michael IV doesn’t fill you with enthusiasm, you could look instead to the many interesting international variants of the names. Or how about a creative nickname to make it your own, like Jem for the initials JM or Ives as a nod to IV?
Your instinct for fairness and consistency might even lead you to establish your own family naming pattern — nature-related middle names, perhaps, or a unifying letter or meaning that all family members will share. Look to your own name(s) for inspiration, but beware of establishing any patterns that you’ll struggle to stick to for future children, as your desire for perfection may make it difficult to let go!
Names a Virgo Might Like
Practical names with deep roots, like Beatrice and Gabriel, as well as those with inherent versatility, such as Zara and Raif, may meet your pragmatic Virgo standards.
- Anjali
- August
- Beatrice
- Francesca
- Gabriel
- Harrison
- Iris
- Ivo
- Jacoby
- Maren
- Matias
- Leonardo
- Lucia
- Nina
- Raif
- Solomon
- Susannah
- Vincent
- Vivienne
- Zara
Virgo Naming Partners
Virgo, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.
Virgo & Aries
Virgo, you and your Aries partner bring different strengths to the baby name process. Read more
Virgo & Taurus
Virgo, when it comes to naming a baby, you and Taurus are a match made in heaven. Read more
Virgo & Gemini
Virgo, you and Gemini have wildly different approaches to gathering your lists, but with your shared love of language and research, you have the alchemy of practical inspiration. Read more
Virgo & Cancer
Virgo, when naming a baby with a Cancer partner, you must find the balance between head and heart. Read more
Virgo & Leo
Virgo, the best way to start the baby name process with a Leo partner is to open up about what’s important to you in a name. Read more
Virgo & Virgo
When naming a baby with another Virgo, your list of requirements could be up to a mile long. Read more
Virgo & Libra
Virgo, Libra will be such a thoughtful and accommodating partner through the baby naming process. Read more
Virgo & Scorpio
Virgo, you and Scorpio make a good team when it comes to life, love, and baby naming. Read more
Virgo & Sagittarius
Virgo, you and Sagittarius share a common goal, but you’re going to take different routes to get there. Read more
Virgo & Capricorn
Virgo, you and Capricorn have higher name standards than anyone else. Read more
Virgo & Aquarius
Virgo, you and Aquarius will share an analytical approach to finding a versatile, forward-thinking name that might just be one-of-a-kind. Read more
Virgo & Pisces
Virgo, you and Pisces are as different as they come, but with a little compromise on both sides, can be great partners for naming a child. Read more
Naming a Virgo Baby?
Naming a baby Virgo? Head to our list of Virgo Names to find the right name for your logical little one.
See All Zodiac Names
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Virgo Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign
Mercury’s influence on this earth sign means that even when your Virgo child is tiny, their mind is likely going a mile a minute. Just like their symbol, the Maiden, usually depicted as a woman holding the wheat she’s harvested, mini Virgos search far and wide to gather as much information as possible, often in an effort to help others. You’ll notice that they’re tuning in to even the slightest details.
Thanks to their mutable nature, not only are they innately flexible but also eager to please. You might find that your Virgo is up for going with the flow more than other kids.
Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.
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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm
Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode