Virgo: Naming a Baby With a Sagittarius Partner

Virgo, you and Sagittarius share a common goal, but you’re going to take different routes to get there. You’re both looking for a great name — probably one that will travel well internationally — and neither of you cares much about what other people think of your choices.

But Virgo, you like to go into any situation with a well-formulated plan. You are open to (almost) all possibilities for baby name criteria, but it’s important to you that the terms are defined before you start your search. Your Sagittarius partner prefers to wing it. They don’t have the patience for sitting down and hashing it all out, and frankly, they don’t find that a very useful strategy.

To make this work, you two need to meet in the middle. With a Sagittarius partner, a decision this big won’t be made overnight. As much as possible, allow yourself to let go and enjoy the creativity of the brainstorming process. Your partner’s challenge will be to get serious near the end and commit to a final name.

The road to The Name might be rocky, but trust that you and Sagittarius will end up satisfied. You are inclined to compromise, and without a doubt, will find a name that appeals to both partners.

Celebrity Virgo & Sagittarius Namers

Beyoncé & Jay-Z: Blue Ivy, Rumi (f), & Sir

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