Virgo: Naming a Baby With a Leo Partner
Virgo, the best way to start the baby name process with a Leo partner is to open up about what’s important to you in a name. The more you can empathize with each other, the easier it will be to collaborate, as you have different methods for finding the perfect name.
You want to decide on a name as soon as possible and have a list of strict criteria that the final choice must meet. Your Leo partner would like to keep the conversation going up until the very end and is motivated by style rather than practicality.
Thankfully, your interests are not mutually exclusive! You may have your baby name rules, but so long as it checks the boxes, you are willing to be flexible on the name itself. Work with Leo to establish the guidelines for the search, and within that, look for names that fit their creative and crowd-pleasing style.
When it comes time to share the name, make sure it’s a discussion. Your partner is champing at the bit to share your child’s name story with the world, so speak up if you wish to keep it private at first or would rather not publicize your baby’s name on social media.
Celebrity Virgo & Leo Namers
Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez: Emme Maribel & Maximilian David
Noah Baumbach & Greta Gerwig: Harold Ralph "Hal"
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