Virgo: Naming a Baby With a Libra Partner
Virgo, Libra will be such a thoughtful and accommodating partner through the baby naming process. Libra will take your carefully honed list to heart, and will join you to find a name that radiates balance and charm.
Your precision and acute attention to detail may feel challenged by Libra’s concern about not just your approval, but that of your friends, family, and everybody else. Libra would love to make all involved happy, while you are more concerned with a name that manages to pass the rigorous vetting you put each option through. For you, your approval is the hardest to earn, while Libra wants everybody else’s blessing as well.
Be careful not to override Libra’s gentle explorations with your formidable research. Your confidence in your choice could keep you from considering unexpected names from Libra’s list that will match your appreciation of practicality and consistency. Where Libra sees beauty in familiar and traditional names, you might see a pragmatism that delights your sense of fairness and versatility. Consider names from both sides of your family, as well as traditional names that delight you with the details of their history and meaning.
Celebrity Virgo & Libra Namers
Jack Black & Tanya Haden: Thomas David and Samuel Jason
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