the boys! (2) word & nature & old school

name for two boys / don't have to match but can / love word names / short names / old fashioned names
  1. Arthur
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      " bear"
    • Description:

      Arthur, once the shining head of the Knights of the Round Table, is, after decades of neglect, now being polished up and restored by stylish parents, inspired perhaps by the new generation of royals. Arthur has led the list of possible names for the young British princes, chosen as a middle name for Prince Louis, son of William and Catherine, Prince and Princess of Wales.
  2. Banks
    • Origin:

      English surname
    • Meaning:

      "one who lives on the hillside or riverbank"
    • Description:

      Banks is a topographical surname that refers not to those places where people keep their money but to riverbanks or hillsides, and specifically the people who live and work on them. A name with two very different connotations then, Banks manages to sound smart, preppy, and upwardly-mobile, with a touch of rugged, outdoorsy charm too.
  3. Brandon
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "broom-covered hill"
    • Description:

      Brandon, a forebear of the Braden-Caden pack, had a great run of popularity over several decades, being in the Top 10 from 1992 to 1998, one of its inspirations being hearthrob Brandon Walsh played by Jason Priestley on the original Beverly Hills 90210--and it was aso the name of several soap opera characters.
  4. Bruno
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Tough-yet-cuddly Bruno is an international name even in its origins: it derives from the Germanic word for "brown" plus a Latin ending, and was borrowed as a color word in many European languages.
  5. Dex
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Dexter
    • Meaning:

      "dyer; right-handed"
    • Description:

      Dex, the nickname for Dexter that is sometimes used on its own, has lots of energy and dynamism. It was chosen by comedian Dana Carvey for his now grown son. With the growing popularity of Dexter, we may be seeing more of Dex.
  6. Finnick
    • Origin:

      English place name and surname
    • Description:

      Finnick has risen to prominence as a first name via The Hunger Games, in which Finnick Odair was a winner of the games. The name is related to Fenwick, an old Anglo-Saxon place name and surname that may be loosely translated as "marshland farm." The names Fenwick and Finnick are also related to Phoenix.
  7. Fleetwood
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "woods with a stream"
    • Description:

      For die-hard Fleetwood Mac fans, though Fleet is definitely a cool short form.
  8. Fonzie
    • Forest
      • Origin:

        French occupational name
      • Meaning:

        "woodsman or woods"
      • Description:

        The Forest variation of Forrest, used by actor Whitaker, nudges the meaning more toward the woods and away from the woodsman.
    • Huckleberry
      • Origin:

        Word name and literary name
      • Description:

        Everybody knows Huckleberry Finn, the Mark Twain character named, Twain said, for the 19th century slang term for "humble." A few modern parents have put it on a birth certificate, including "Man Vs. Wild" star Bear Grylls, who, like many parents, will call the boy the much more manageable Huck. It was also the name of a child on TV's West Wing,
    • Humphrey
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "peaceful warrior"
      • Description:

        Humphrey is an old name that might have faded completely were it not for that Bogie flair. A royal name in Britain, where it's used somewhat more frequently, Humphrey might just have some life beyond Bogart here, especially with the recent interest in the names of Golden Age Hollywood stars. His first name was the maiden name of his mother, Maud Humphrey, a well-known illustrator who used baby H. as a model.
    • Knox
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "round hill"
      • Description:

        Knox is an old Scottish surname that Brad Pitt (whose great-great-grandfather was named Hal Knox Hillhouse) and Angelina Jolie took out of the back cupboard, dusted off, and elevated to coolness--to the point where it entered the popular baby names list in 2009. Knox now ranks among the most influential celebrity baby names.
    • Lionel
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "young lion"
      • Description:

        Lionel is one leonine name that hasn't taken off as cousins Leo and Leonardo have, though it did reenter the Top 1000 in 2010 after several years away; it was at its highest point in the 1920s and 1930s.
    • Marshall
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "one who looks after horses"
      • Description:

        Marshall is an occupational surname, not having to do with anything military or martial, but stemming from the Norman French for someone caring for horses. It's been used as a first name since the nineteenth century and has been on the Social Security list since it started to publish its data in 1880.
    • Merlin
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "sea fortress"
      • Description:

        This name of the famous fifth-century sorcerer and mentor of King Arthur may or may not be a bit wizardy for a real-life modern child. Its most noted modern bearer: football star turned actor Merlin Olsen, whose father was named Merle.
    • Minooka
      • Neo
        • Origin:

          Latin or Tswana
        • Meaning:

          "new or gift"
        • Description:

          This nouveau name of Keanu Reeves's character in The Matrix has not enjoyed the same burst of popularity as its female counterpart, Trinity, but it definitely sounds, well, newer. Neo Rauch is an interesting contemporary German artist.
      • Noel
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Noel is British, fey, and sophisticated, connoting wit and creativity, much like namesake Noel Coward. Noel has also been a character on Felicity and Pretty Little Liars. Thanks to their association with Christmas, Noel and Noelle make ideal names for December babies and names for Christmas babies.
      • North
        • Origin:

          English word name
        • Meaning:

          "cardinal direction of north"
        • Description:

          A lot of attention was drawn to this name when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced it as the name of their baby daughter, making it instantly unisex.
      • Nashville