Popular Names in Finland

Popular names in Finland for 2023 are a complementary pair, with Aino and Eino at Number 1.

Along with Aino, other top girl names in Finland include Olivia, Aada, Lilja, and Sofia. Along with Eino, other popular names for boys in Finland include Oliver, Väinö, Elias, and Onni.

Some of Finland's most popular baby names are international favorites like Emma and Hugo. Others are well-known names in disguise, like Aava (Ava) and Niilo (Nicholas).

Popular Finnish word names include Helmi (pearl) and Lumi (snow) for girls, and Toivo (hope) and Otso (bear) for boys. Other unique and appealing choices found in the Finnish Top 50 include Minea, Hilla, Rasmus and Kasper.

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