New Baby Names: Great berrybaby choices of September!
By Linda Rosenkrantz
The September baby names in this month’s Babyberry report includes one of the most original middle names we’ve seen: Violet WHIMSEY. The girls’ names are running long, in the sense that there is a preponderance of three and four-syllable choices. Again, lots of floral appellations and an accent on J and V-starting names. The boy list includes Roscoe, Radley and Lazarus–and be sure to read the lovely naming story of Cal Tanner.
Emmeline Kaye, sister of Eli Michael and Ezra Matthew
Evangeline Tyler, sister of Georgina Rae
“Tyler is my husband’s middle as well, we think we will only have girls so this was his chance to have his name in somewhere.”
Fiona Holly, sister of Liam Jameson
Jane Margaret, sister of Ruby Elizabeth
Juliet Ainsley, sister of Amelie Hope and Eleanor Lucy
“We had a difficult time choosing between Juliet and Shiloh, but let big sisters pick.”
“I have loved Juniper for a long time, and Jade is my middle name. My husband likes it because he thinks it sounds like a comic book character. After we announced her name, we found out that there is a My Little Pony named Juniper Jade. Grandpa thought that was hilarious and already found one on EBay for baby to play with when she’s old enough.”
Lucienne Poppy, sister of William Scott Wiley, Finnigan Rhys Manning and Emmanuelle Anna Daisy
“We call her Lucy, Lou and Lulu…She is the only one of our kids who did not end up with a family name. However, both Lucy and her sister have a flower name in the middle spot. My husband suggested Lucy and loved when I brought up Lucienne to match Emmanuelle. Their first names are versions honoring my French heritage”.
Poppy Pearl, sister of Lux Lily
“Her middle name is a tribute to my mother-in-law, Margaret, whose name means “Pearl’.” We named her similarly to her older sister, Lux Lily, whose middle name is the meaning of MY mother’s first name, Susan.”
Sophia Caroline Eve, sister of Hanna Emilia Charlotte
Vesper Eloise, sister of Beatrice Heidi and Gloria Hazel
“Vesper—we grew to love its whispery uniqueness. Essie’s middle name is a direct influence of the books our daughters read.” (For the stories behind the family’s other names, see the forum.)
Victoria Amelie Jade, sister of Florence and Rosalind
Violet Whimsy, sister of Malcolm Redding and Penelope June
“We had thought we’d call her Harriet throughout most of the pregnancy, with Josephine or Imogen as backup. But the week before I heard the name Willa in a conversation, a name DH and I had briefly considered early on. It struck me more strongly as a very generous name, for someone resolute and principled, playful, gentle and/or creative…All of the names have a connection to family, including a grandfather William, and to me in Eloise.”
“We were going to name her Zelda Juliet but we loved the name Primrose and wanted to add it somewhere in the name.”
Alistair James, brother of Francine Grace
Cal Tanner, brother of Lincoln Aaron, Ivan Erastus, Adelia Mae, Oliver Michael and Ruby Aveline
“We have a small homestead, and our garden and orchard have been my sanctuary during this pregnancy, giving my mind and hands something to do. We wanted a name to reflect that. After some etymology research, we found out that if you piece together the Latin and Sanskrit origins for Cal and reword it a tiny bit, you get the meaning “late summer harvest.” Perfect. I have lovingly dubbed him, “He Who Comes With the Peaches” because I was canning peaches the day I went into labor. And Tanner is a family surname on both mine and my husband’s side.”
Lazarus Daniel, brother of Magnolia Irene
“We wanted an unusual-but-recognizable-and-pronounceable Biblical name with significant meaning to us (Tall order!) We’ve strongly considered Ezra both pregnancies, but we’ve heard of several in our circles, so I was hesitant, Ezra means “help” and actually shares roots with Lazarus, which means “God is my help.” We stumbled upon it one morning about a month ago, when my husband jokingly suggested Lazar Wolf from Fiddler on the Roof….in looking it up, we realized Lazar was a nn or variation of Lazarus. We were already planning mn Daniel after my dad. I felt strongly that a boy should have a connection to my family, because he’ll have my husband’s surname all his life.”
“Radley in honor of Randall, the middle name of both my brother and late uncle and Rodney, my husband’s late father. Clay is for my husband’s late uncle’s middle name.”
Roscoe Joseph, brother of Clyde William and Frances Maybelle
“Roscoe is the only boy name that resonated with us and carrying on our pattern his middle is a family name.”
Saxon Carl, brother of Elijah Joseph, Quentin Daniel, Shade William, Gunnar Michael and Oslo Jonathan
Favorite name? Favorite first and middle combo? Favorite sibset?