
"evening star"

Vesper Origin and Meaning

The name Vesper is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "evening star".

This Latin word used for evening spiritual services was introduced to baby namers by the Eva Greene character Vesper Lynd in the modern James Bond film Casino Royale in 2006, based on the Ian Fleming novel, and is just now beginning to provoke interest among namers, with its spiritual reference and soft, whispery sound.

On a more earthly note, the 'Vesper Martini' is the famous drink ordered by James Bond in both the book and the movie Casino Royale.

A name likely to enter the Top 1000.

# 258 on Nameberry

Vesper Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Vesper Popularity

Famous People Named Vesper

  • Vesper Vivianne Ruck (b. 2010)
    daughter of actors Alan Ruck and Mireille Enos
  • Vesper Pearl Farrar (b. 2009)
    daughter of musician/producer Sam Farrar
  • Evangeline
    Vesper Lynne Bonner (b. 2009), daughter of basketball player Matt Bonner

Vesper in Pop Culture

  • Vesper Lynd
    character in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel Casino Royale
  • Vesper Fairchild
    character in DC Universe
  • Vesper Holly
    main character in the series by Lloyd Alexander
  • Vespyr Cash
    one of the daughters in the film Captain Fantastic (2016)
  • Vesper
    mutant in Marvel's Genetix comics
  • "Vesper
    " novel by Jeff Sampson (2011)
  • "Vesper's Goodbye
    " song by Nick Jonas and the Administration
  • The Vespers
    an evil secret organization founded by Damien Vesper in the 39 Clues series
  • Vesper Elaina deRolo
    Percy and Vex’s eldest child in Critical Role