
"of the stars"

Astraea Origin and Meaning

The name Astraea is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "of the stars".

Astraea —also found as Astraia — is the Greek goddess of justice and innocence who left earth to become the constellation Virgo after she grew unhappy with the state of humanity. She was prophesised to return and begin a new Golden Age, meaning she is associated with renewal — and with Queen Elizabeth I of England thanks to Renaissance writers associating her with the goddess.

A more unusual choice among the many star-related names currently attracting attention -- from Astra to Esther to Estelle and Stella. Astraea was the daughter of Astraeus, the god of the dusk, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and her association with the constellation could make her an appealing choice for a Virgo baby.

Given to around 90 girls in the US in 2023, it is 10 times more popular than it was a decade ago.

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