
Word name

Storm Origin and Meaning

The name Storm is a boy's name .

Windswept and dramatic, but perhaps asking for trouble. Quite popular in Denmark and Sweden, where it derives from Stromr, which is a fairly common surname. Storm Thorgerson is a famous bearer of the name - he designed iconic album covers for Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Cranberries, Anthrax, and Pink Floyd.

# 961 in the US

Storm Rank in US Top 1000

# 816 on Nameberry

Storm Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Storm Popularity

Famous People Named Storm

  • Storm Thorgerson
    English graphic designer
  • Storm Lickliter
    son of golfer Frank Lickliter
  • Benjamin Storm Keough
    son of singer Lisa Marie Presley
  • Sawyer Storm Sweeten
    late American actor; twin brother of Sullivan Skye Sweeten

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