French variation of William
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Guillaume Origin and Meaning
The name Guillaume is a boy's name of French origin.
An everyday name in France, a charismatic possibility here.
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20 Names Similar to Guillaume
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Famous People Named Guillaume
- Guillaume Jean Joseph MarieHereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg; son of Grand Duke Henri
- Guillaume Marie Louis ChristianPrince of Luxembourg; son of Grand Duke Jean
- Guillaume ApollinaireFrench poet
- Guillaume CanetFrench actor and director
- Guillaume MarieAnne Brune, Marshal of France
- Guillaume Emmanuel de HomemChristo, one half of the French band Daft Punk
- GuillaumeJoseph Roques, French painter
- Guillaume CizeronFrench ice dancer
- Guillaume Du FayFranco,Flemish composer
- Guillaume d'EstoutevilleFrench cardinal
- Guillaume François AntoineMarquis de l'Hôpital, French mathematician
- Guillaume de MachautFrench poet and composer
- Guillaume de Salluste Du BartasFrench courtier and poet
- Charles Édouard GuillaumeSwiss physicist; winner of the Nobel Prize
- Robert Guillaume (born Robert Peter Williams)American actor