
Place-name from Dutch

Brooklyn Origin and Meaning

The name Brooklyn is a boy's name of English, American origin meaning "marshland".

It may be the hippest of hispter neighborhoods, but as a baby name Brooklyn is now on the decline: down from a peak of 120 births for boys in 1999, and over 7000 births for girls in 2011.

The most famous male bearer of this name is the eldest child of David and Victoria Beckham, now a successful model and photographer in his own right. The name is now overwhelmingly female, given to 3200 baby girls and only 57 boys last year.

Brooks would be an on-trend alternative for a baby boy.

# 1348 on Nameberry

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Brooklyn Popularity

Famous People Named Brooklyn

  • Brooklyn Joseph Beckham
    son of designer/musician Victoria Beckham and athlete/model David Beckham

Brooklyn in Pop Culture

  • "Hello
    Brooklyn," song by All Time Low

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