Taurus Namers

zodiac names taurus namer

Taurus, you're known for your loyalty, stubbornness, and work ethic, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Taurus name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Taurus baby.

The Taurus Namer

When it comes to your baby’s name, Taurus, nothing but the best will do. You are crystal clear about your criteria from the start, and you’ll work tirelessly to find a name that meets your exacting standards.

Compromise is not a word that often features in your vocabulary, Taurus. Once you’ve set your mind to something — be it a name, a style, an honoree — you’re not easily budged. This can lead to friction if naming with a partner, but beware of letting the process descend into a battle of wills! 

True, with your Taurean determination you’re likely to win such a battle eventually, but it’s far better to head off any potential clashes before they arise. Agreeing on a baby naming rubric together at the outset will help to keep you both moving in the same direction.

Taurus, your unwavering loyalty to family and heritage has a big influence on your baby name preferences. It’s very important that your child’s name honors their ancestors and connects them to their roots, and you’ll naturally gravitate towards your own family tree for inspiration. 

Just remember to keep the bigger picture in mind when pushing for family names. Will the baby have your surname? Then perhaps the first name could represent your partner’s family. Does your first child have your grandfather’s name in the middle? Then maybe baby #2 gets a family name from the other side.

If you’re going down the honor route, balance is key to avoid tension both between naming partners and the wider family.

Taurus Name Style

Taurus, your ideal baby name not only sounds good – it also needs to look good, roll off the tongue, and conjure up beautiful imagery. You’re in the market for a name that oozes style and sophistication, and appeals to your sensual side.

Even though your taste tends towards the more elaborate end of the naming spectrum, you’re looking for elegance rather than extravagance. Popularity isn’t a big concern, as long as a name projects the right image. You’re drawn to on-trend sounds like soft consonants and fluid vowels, and may choose a less common lengthening of a classic nickname to balance your desire for opulence and accessibility.

Taurus, your artistic sensibility sees you taking inspiration from your favorite cultural genres, but you’re selective about which ones you showcase. Classical music, art, or literature? Absolutely. Your guilty pleasure TV show or favorite Disney movie? Not so much. 

Your worst nightmare would be inadvertently choosing the next Kardashian baby name, or the most popular dog name of the year. Your choice of name should peg you as a cultured, sophisticated parent and inspire your future child to strive for the finer things in life.

Names a Taurus Might Like

The sensory experience of long names like Evangeline and Sebastian, as well as tailored names such as Celeste and Rex may meet your Taurus standards of aesthetics and sophistication.

Taurus Naming Partners

Taurus, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.

Taurus & Aries

Taurus & Aries

Taurus, when you and your Aries partner set your minds to finding the perfect baby name, nothing can stop you. Read more

Taurus & Taurus

Taurus & Taurus

When you’re naming a baby with another Taurus, the process can’t be rushed. Read more

Taurus & Gemini

Taurus & Gemini

Taurus, you and Gemini both have an appreciation of the finer things and a passion for finding a name that is just right. Read more

Taurus & Cancer

Taurus & Cancer

Taurus, you and Cancer intuitively understand how others will perceive your child’s name. Read more

Taurus & Leo

Taurus & Leo

Taurus, you and Leo live for luxury, so only the finest baby name will do for your child. Read more

Taurus & Virgo

Taurus & Virgo

Taurus, when it comes to baby names, you and Virgo are a match made in heaven. Read more

Taurus & Libra

Taurus & Libra

Taurus, you bring an incredible attention to style to the naming process, while Libra will make sure that the name has a powerful impact in the world. Read more

Taurus & Scorpio

Taurus & Scorpio

Taurus, you and Scorpio are a good match emotionally, so while you may have differences in name taste, you are likely to come to an agreement easier than other couples. Read more

Taurus & Sagittarius

Taurus & Sagittarius

Taurus, naming a child with a Sagittarius is an opportunity for learning and growth on both sides. Read more

Taurus & Capricorn

Taurus & Capricorn

Taurus, with a Capricorn on your naming team, your child will certainly end up with the sophisticated name you’ve imagined for them. Read more

Taurus & Aquarius

Taurus & Aquarius

Taurus, you and Aquarius both share an inner drive towards authenticity and loyalty. Read more

Taurus & Pisces

Taurus & Pisces

Taurus, with a Pisces by your side, you are sure to come up with an aesthetically pleasing name. Read more

Naming a Taurus Baby?

Taurus Names

Naming a baby Taurus? Head to our list of Taurus Names to find the right name for your little bull.

See All Zodiac Names

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Taurus Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign

A grounded little Bull is bound to be blissful when they can take their sweet time with just about everything. Tauruses love being held; whether nestled in a swaddle, cuddled up in your arms during a feeding, or getting their first taste of fruit, they’ll gaze at you lovingly, soaking in the moment.

Your little Taurus is also tactile and will revel in a massage—perhaps with a soothing lavender-scented lotion. You might notice that your little Earth sign is especially content while surrounded by nature (think: babywearing your tiny Bull on a picnic or on a walk through a nature preserve).

Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.

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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm

Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode