Taurus: Naming a Baby With an Aries Partner
Taurus, when you and your Aries partner set your minds to finding the perfect baby name, nothing can stop you. You are two of the most headstrong, determined signs, and you’ll work persistently — each in your own way — till you find the right fit.
You both want to take action right away, but you move at different speeds. In Aries’ ideal world, they’d choose the name in a matter of weeks, if not days. You move slow and steady. You’d rather sit with each option — for days, sometimes weeks — until you’re sure it’s a great name.
Taurus, you like to stay in your comfort zone, which is where you can find your favorite names. You tend to like elegant but familiar choices, while Aries prefers brave, sometimes even controversial names — which are a no-go for you.
The differences between you and Aries can lead to conflict, but use it as an opportunity to learn from each other. Aries can push you to appreciate bolder names, and you can help Aries slow down so they don’t make a choice they’ll regret later.
Your Aries partner likes rarer names, so search for more unusual options among your favorite elaborate and aesthetically pleasing names until you find one that suits both of you.
Celebrity Taurus & Aries Namers
Amber Tamblyn & David Cross: Marlowe Alice
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