Taurus: Naming a Baby With a Gemini Partner
Taurus, you and Gemini both have an appreciation of the finer things and a passion for finding a name that is just right.
Gemini might drive you crazy as they make list after list — deciding one thing and then changing their minds when new inspiration arrives. While you may arrive at your preference early after doing your own research, Gemini will come across a new idea that might undo everything you have already agreed on. Over and over again.
You could help focus Gemini by looking for patterns in their endless lists, and marking themes as Gemini will definitely have several whirling conversations (sometimes with themselves). Your appreciation of well-crafted, beautiful things can meet Gemini’s delight in wordplay and subtle meanings. Perhaps you can highlight the names that fit your standards for innate beauty and form. Classic names might be a natural meeting point.
Gemini may also lean towards popular names, while trends are the last thing you are thinking about. It may serve you both to look for a name that aligns with Gemini’s appreciation for literary names and flexibility, one that stays out of the top ten lists and in your favorite arena of sophistication and ease.
Celebrity Taurus & Gemini Namers
Enrique Iglesias & Anna Kournikova: Nicholas, Lucy & Mary
Jamie Dornan & Amelia Warner: Dulcie, Alberta & Elva
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