Taurus: Naming a Baby With a Virgo Partner

Taurus, when it comes to baby names, you and Virgo are a match made in heaven. You approach the task quite similarly — laying out standards and preferences from the start and diligently curating a list of contenders. Neither of you will settle until the perfect baby name is found.

You and your Virgo partner tend to be good communicators. You respect one another and appreciate your partner’s directness and honesty. Should a conflict arise, you each will handle it sensibly and conscientiously — although Virgo may be more detached and logic-oriented than you.

Each of you balances out the other partner in ways that benefit the baby name process. Virgo will bring fairness and flexibility, while you can introduce your partner to the more emotional and sensory side of baby names.

Taurus, you and your Virgo partner both value tradition and consistency. You’re likely to continue established patterns, or even develop new ones. When it comes to the more poignant details — such as rhythm, image, and style — the ball is in your court. As long as the name meets the previously delineated criteria, Virgo should approve.

Celebrity Taurus & Virgo Namers

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson & Lauren Hashian: Jasmine & Tiana

Tan & Rob France: Ismail

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