Sagittarius Namers
Sagittarius, you're known for your curiosity, fearlessness, and independence, all of which you bring with you when naming a baby. Here, gain insight into your signature Sagittarius name style, approach to baby naming, and names you might like, along with expert intel on your Sagittarius baby.
The Sagittarius Namer
There’s a wide world of baby names out there, Sagittarius, and you want to explore them all. You have an insatiable desire to learn all the names, and ask tons of questions during the process. Any names that elicit a positive feeling in you get a spot on your — very long — list.
That’s not to say you have low standards — quite the opposite. To earn a top spot on your list, a baby name has to look right, sound right, and feel right. What is "right?" It’s an elusive quality that even you can’t define, yet you understand instinctually.
We hate to say it, Sagittarius, but you’re not always an easy sign to have as a partner when naming a baby. You’re a lone ranger and don’t like to compromise or receive advice. You may find it difficult to prioritize the baby name conversation — which can be tricky if your partner likes to plan ahead — and may find yourself picking up and then abandoning the search at various points along the way. However, if your partner is up for an adventure, baby naming with you can be a fun and wild ride.
You’ll determine The Name in one of two ways. You may fall in love at first sight, find the perfect name early in the process and never look back. Or, you’ll go into the birth with a handful of frontrunners and have to meet your baby to decide which one fits — maybe even try them all on for size.
Of all the signs, you are the most likely to be struck by last-minute inspiration, or even change your baby’s name once it’s already decided. If that happens, it’s okay. Don’t overthink it, and go with the name that feels right.
Sagittarius Name Style
Sagittarius, you push the limits of baby naming. It doesn’t matter to you if a name has traditional roots or historical provenance — you’ll make up your own baby name, if it comes down to it. You’re attracted to novelty, whether that means a name that is totally new to the lexicon or an established choice that is new to your family or part of the world. You wouldn’t name a child after yourself, at least directly, and you’re not going to pass down a family name, even if it’s been used for generations.
That’s because you’re not concerned with any baby name rules. In fact, you actively defy them. Who says your child can’t have a one-syllable first name and last name? Or that their initials shouldn’t spell a word? You love a name that goes against the grain, and will look out for this quality in your name search.
Naturally, then, the names on your list tend to be more unconventional than the average baby namer’s. You are drawn to aspirational names that may inspire higher ideals in your child, such as Everest to imbue strength, or Queralt to inspire love.
Anything you dislike about your own name will not be represented in that of your child. If you hated having a name that was difficult to pronounce or spell, a straightforward name will be high priority for your little one.
Flexibility is key, as you want your child to feel room to define their own identity within their name. For this reason, gender-neutral names get special consideration from you, Sagittarius. You appreciate that unisex names obscure assumptions about their bearer.
As someone who appreciates the wider world, international names are of special interest to you. You may like under-the-radar choices from other cultures, or choose a name that is easily translated internationally, to aid your child should they, too, be an avid traveler.
Names a Sagittarius Might Like
Unique names that travel off the beaten path — like Ginevra and Rui — are ideal for you, Sagittarius. You prioritize those that are aspirational in nature, such as goddess name Freyja or the overtly intellectual Knowledge.
- Andromeda
- Castle
- Elin
- Everest
- Freyja
- Ginevra
- Goku
- Hollis
- Ireland
- Knowledge
- Kofi
- Loxley
- Mazikeen
- Nixon
- Queralt
- Ruffin
- Rui
- Saoirse
- Tide
- Yara
Sagittarius Naming Partners
Sagittarius, here's how to most effectively navigate the naming process with your partner, based on their sign.
Sagittarius & Aries
Sagittarius, Aries will bring tremendous focus to your name search. Read more
Sagittarius & Taurus
Sagittarius, naming a child with a Taurus is an opportunity for learning and growth on both sides. Read more
Sagittarius & Gemini
Sagittarius, you and Gemini are a powerhouse of conversation and inspiration. Read more
Sagittarius & Cancer
Sagittarius, you and Cancer are speaking different languages when it comes to baby names. Read more
Sagittarius & Leo
Sagittarius, Leo’s optimism and energy will match your own, making for an incredibly charming list of possible names! Read more
Sagittarius & Virgo
Sagittarius, you and Virgo share a common goal, but you’re going to take different routes to get there. Read more
Sagittarius & Libra
Sagittarius, Libra will appreciate the energy and integrity you bring to finding a name. Read more
Sagittarius & Scorpio
Sagittarius, you and a Scorpio partner will choose more exciting names than almost any other couple of the zodiac. Read more
Sagittarius & Sagittarius
Sagittarius, the explorations you and your fellow archer will embark on to find the perfect name will be eclectic, heartfelt, and absolutely fun. Read more
Sagittarius & Capricorn
Sagittarius, you and Capricorn are full of hopes and dreams for your child. Read more
Sagittarius & Aquarius
Sagittarius, with Aquarius, your wildest, rule-breaking names will be heartily considered and celebrated. Read more
Sagittarius & Pisces
Sagittarius, you and Pisces know that rules were meant to be broken. Read more
Naming a Baby Sagittarius?
Naming a baby Sagittarius? Head to our list of Sagittarius Names to find the right name for your little archer.
See All Zodiac Names
Go to the main Zodiac Names page, where you can connect to naming profiles for all the signs.
Sagittarius Baby: Everything You Need To Know About Babies Born Under This Sign
Jupiter’s influence means spirited, knowledge-seeking Sagittarian babies will be more upbeat than the average child when traveling, whether you’re thinking of taking a day trip to see the grandparents or bringing them with you on a long-distance flight. It’ll be the first clue that unlike siblings or peers who are homebodies, your Sag baby is ready to take on the world, preferring to shrug off tried-and-true routines for eye-opening moments.
And as the mutable fire sign, they’ll not only be more capable of taking a different, action-oriented approach midstream but they’ll welcome it. You may find that they’re even more blissed-out by a different sleep schedule than you are.
Excerpted from Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent's Guide to Astrology by Maressa Brown. Workman Publishing © 2023.
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Using Your Zodiac Sign to Name Your Child with Sophie Kihm
Nameberry's Sophie Kihm joins hosts Julie and Val to talk about how parents can use their zodiac sign to help them throughout the baby name process. She also analyzes how Julie's and Val's signs played into their choice of baby names. Listen to the episode