Sagittarius: Naming a Baby With a Virgo Partner

Sagittarius, you and Virgo share a common goal, but you’re going to take different routes to get there. You’re both looking for a great name — probably one that will travel well internationally — and neither of you cares much about what other people think of your choices.

Your Virgo partner is open to hearing your ideas for baby name criteria, but wants to define all the terms before you start the search. But Sagittarius, you rely on intuition when choosing baby names, rather than logic and spreadsheets. You don’t have the patience for sitting down and determining the name in a single session. And frankly, you don’t find that a very useful strategy.

To make this work, you two need to meet in the middle. With a Virgo partner, you’ll have to prioritize the baby name conversation at times — especially as you get closer to meeting your child — and allow as much space for Virgo’s opinion as your own. Your partner’s challenge will be to embrace the adventure and consider options that miss a mark (or two).

The road to The Name might be rocky, but trust that you and Virgo will end up satisfied. Virgo values your input, and neither of you will stop looking until you find a name that meets both partners’ standards.

Celebrity Sagittarius & Virgo Namers

Lauren & Aaron Paul: Story Annabelle & Ryden Caspian

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