Sagittarius: Naming a Baby With a Cancer Partner
Sagittarius, you and Cancer are speaking different languages when it comes to baby names. Cancer is interested in following the rules with a traditional, familiar choice that identifies their child as a member of their generation. You want to defy the convention with a nontraditional — sometimes radical — name that sets your child apart from everyone (let alone their peers).
These vastly different values can cause conflict. You can be a blunt communicator, which has the potential to hurt your Cancer partner’s feelings. Take a gentle approach and remember that Cancer tends to be more sentimental about the baby name process.
It may seem like you and your partner are diametrically opposed, but common ground can be found! Sit down with Cancer and discuss what each of you is looking for in a name, and key into any shared points. You appreciate names with flexibility, so you may consider a compromise option, such as using a Cancer-style full name and a Sagittarius-style nickname, like Nicolai called Nix, or vice versa — Mazikeen called Maizy.
Celebrity Sagittarius & Cancer Namers
Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost: Cosmo
Gael García Bernal & Dolores Fonzi: Lázaro & Libertad
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