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  1. Diego
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of James
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The energetic Diego is rising rapidly along with a lot of other authentically Spanish baby names that work perfectly well with surnames of any origin.
  2. Dominika
    • Dylan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "son of the sea"
      • Description:

        Dylan still feels poetic and romantic after years of popularity. It still ranks highly on the charts, among the top boy names starting with D, so if you choose it, be aware that yours may not be the only Dylan in his class.
    • Edward
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "wealthy guardian"
      • Description:

        Unlike perennials William, John and James, Edward is a classic that moves in and out of fashion. This royal Anglo-Saxon standard has benefited in recent years from the popularity of the hot hero of the vampire sensation Twilight — Edward Cullen — who has given his name a new infusion of cool.
    • Emily
      • Origin:

        Feminine variation of Emil, Latin
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Emily may have dropped somewhat in the current standings, but it was the most popular girls' name for over a decade because it appeals on many levels: Emily is feminine, classic, simple, pretty, and strong. Emily is Number 1 among Gen Z names. It also has those nice literary namesakes, like Emily Dickinson and Emily Brontë.
    • Emmett
      • Origin:

        English masculine variation of Emma, German
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Emmett, honest and sincere, laid-back and creative, is on the rise as a male cognate of the megapopular Emma and Emily, not to mention being a character in the popular Twilight series.
    • Eric
      • Origin:

        Old Norse
      • Meaning:

        "eternal ruler"
      • Description:

        Eric is derived from the Old Norse name Eiríkr, from the components ei, meaning "ever," and ríkr, "rule." It was adopted by English speakers in the mid-nineteenth century, who were already familiar with the exploits of the tenth century Viking navigator and discoverer of Greenland, Eric the Red. Erik is an alternate spelling and the preferred form of the name across much of Europe.
    • Ethan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "strong, firm"
      • Description:

        Ethan is a name that succeeds in being at once classic and fashionable, serious and cheery, strong and sensitive. Given a big boost via the name of the Tom Cruise character in the Mission Impossible film series, Ethan has fallen from its peak at Number 2 in 2009 and 2010, but is still popular in the US along with several other countries.
    • Emily
      • Eras
        • Gary
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            When Gary cracked the Top 10 in 1950, it was one of the first nonclassic boys’ names to do so, largely due to Gary (born Frank) Cooper, who was renamed after Gary, Indiana, his agent's hometown. Now, a 65 years later, Gary isn't particularly high in the charts, and has lost any glitter it had. May we suggest the fuller name Gareth?
        • Greg
          • Heather
            • Origin:

              English botanical name
            • Meaning:

              "small shrub"
            • Description:

              This flower name was one of the most popular in her class in the seventies and eighties, a fact reflected in the 1989 movie Heathers, in which every snobby girl in the high school clique bears the name. Now, though still pretty and evocative of the Scottish moors, it has faded in favor of other purplish blooms. It fell out of the Top 1000 in 2016 after having been as high as Number 3 in 1975, when it was given to close to 25,000 girls. Across the pond in the UK however, it remains near the latter end of the Top 1000.
          • Hayl
            • Ivey
              • Origin:

                Surname name, variation of Ivy
              • Meaning:

                "son of Ive; person from Ivoy; ivy plant"
              • Description:

                Ivey can be considered an alternate spelling of the botanical name Ivy, but it also has separate origins as a surname. For the Anglo-Saxon Ivey line, Ivey means "son of Ive," while for the English-Norman Iveys, it means "person from Ivoy," a commune in the Cher department of France.
            • Jack
              • Origin:

                English, diminutive of John
              • Meaning:

                "God is gracious"
              • Description:

                Jack may have fallen from its Number 1 place in England, but in the US it's as popular as it was at its height in the 1920s and 1930s. A durable, cheery, everyman form of John, Jack ranks as one of the most popular boy names starting with J.
            • Jaimie
              • Jake
                • Origin:

                  Hebrew, diminutive of Jacob
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  This unpretentious, accessible, and optimistic ("everything's jake" -- meaning OK) short form of the top name Jacob is itself widely used, though more parents these days are opting for the full name Jacob. Jake (born Jacob) Gyllenhall is its most prominent current bearer.
              • James
                • Origin:

                  English variation of Jacob, Hebrew
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  James is one of the classic Anglo-Saxon names, a stalwart through the ages that is more popular—and yes, stylish—than ever today. It recently came out Number 1 in a poll of America's favorite boys' baby names, and is the most common male name, counting people of all ages, in the US.
              • Jarrod