`J´ Names That I Like - Girls & Boys

  1. Joey
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Joseph
    • Meaning:

      "Jehovah increases"
    • Description:

      This nickname for popular and traditional Joseph has a long history of being used as a given name all on its own. Nonetheless, everyone will always assume that Joey is short for the longer form. It might be nice for a potential son to have the option of a more professional and classic name to fall back on.
  2. Johan
    • Origin:

      Scandinavian and Dutch variation of John
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      With Old European vibes, Johan is a variant of the classic John, similar to the Latin, Hebrew, and Germanic forms, Iohannes, Yohanan, and Johannes. Conjuring up the image of the classical composer Brahms or the astronomer Kepler, while still feeling timeless and distinctive, Johan has been in the US Top 600 for most of the 21st century, helped along by Heidi Klum and Seal using it for their son in 2006.
  3. Johanna
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      Johanna is the version of this name used in Holland, Germany, and Scandinavia. The extra h makes Johanna a slightly more dignified version of Joanna.
  4. John
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      John reigned as the most popular of all boys' Christian names for 400 years, from the time the first Crusaders carried it back to Britain until the 1950s. Then American baby namers finally seemed to tire of this straight-arrow, almost anonymous John Doe of names, replacing it with fancier forms like Jonathan and the imported Sean and Ian.
  5. Johnathan
    • Origin:

      Variation of Jonathan
    • Meaning:

      "gift of Jehovah"
    • Description:

      Some people may prefer this spelling to clarify the name's connection to John, but it could be one h too many, exemplified by its steady decline over the past two decades.
  6. Johnnie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of John, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      This spelling of the traditional nickname for John is a bit more feminine than Johnny, based on the fashion at the turn of the 20th century to use boyish diminutives ending in -ie for girls.
  7. Johnny
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of John
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      The ultimate midcentury nickname, retaining a good measure of retro charm, was chosen for her son by Mira Sorvino.
  8. Jolie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Jolie is as pretty as its literal meaning; nowadays it is also seen as a girls’ name, via Angelina for whom Jolie was originally her middle name.
  9. Jon
    • Origin:

      Variation of John or Jonathan
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious; or gift of Jehovah"
    • Description:

      Streamlined version of the classic boys' names, sometimes a short form of Jonathan, which is in fact an entirely different name from John attached to a different Biblical personage. Jon feels more modern than the traditional John, but some may find it an overly slight variation on an already slim name. Jon Snow is a popular character on HBO's Game of Thrones.
  10. Jonah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Jonah, the name of the Old Testament prophet who was swallowed by the whale, only to emerge unharmed three days later, is increasingly appreciated by parents looking for a biblical name less common than Jacob or Joshua, yet not too obscure. Plus, Jonah comes with a ready-made nursery-decorating motif.
  11. Jonas
    • Origin:

      Greek variation of Jonah
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Jonas has a slightly more grandfatherly image than the English version of his name, but that only adds to its retro appeal. And though it may lag behind Jonah in this country, Jonas is riding a huge wave of popularity in Europe, where it ranks highly in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Norway.
  12. Jonathan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "gift of Jehovah"
    • Description:

      Jonathan was derived from the Hebrew name Yehonatan, eventually contracted to the modern Yonatan, meaning "gift of Jehovah." It comes from the elements yeho, in reference to God, and natan, meaning "to give." In the Old Testament, Jonathan was the valiant eldest son of King Saul, and it was his friendship with brother-in-law David that gave rise to the expression "Jonathan and David" to describe devoted, steadfast friends.
  13. Jonny
    • Jordan
      • Origin:

        English from Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "flowing down"
      • Description:

        Originally used for children baptized in holy water from the river Jordan, it became one of the leading androgynous names of the nineties. As the balance tips toward the boys' side, it's slipping on the girls' popularity chart. Alternate spelling Jordyn is now more popular for girls.
    • Jordan
      • Origin:

        English from Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "flowing down"
      • Description:

        Jordan became one of the top unisex baby names in the heyday of basketball's Michael Jordan, and is still among the most popular unisex names starting with J. The name was originally given to those baptized in holy water brought back by Crusaders from the River Jordan, the only river in Palestine, and the one in which Christ was baptized by John the Baptist.
    • Jordana
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "flowing down"
      • Description:

        A feminization used more before Jordan joined the girls' camp.
    • Jordyn
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Jordan
      • Meaning:

        "flowing down"
      • Description:

        This variation of Jordan entered the Top 1000 in 1989. Jordyn as well as Jordan trended throughout the 90s and early 2000s, but are beginning to fall slightly on the girls' side. While the Jordan spelling reached the highest point in popularity out of the 2, making it into the Top 50 in the late 90s and early 2000s, today Jordyn has taken the lead.
    • Joseph
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "Jehovah increases"
      • Description:

        Joseph is one of the most classic names in American nomenclature, popular with parents from many ethnic backgrounds and having dual-religious appeal.
    • Josephine
      • Origin:

        French feminine variation of Joseph, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "Jehovah increases"
      • Description:

        Josephine, with its large measure of class and character and a gently offbeat quality, has been on a gentle uphill climb in the US for over 30 years, now ranking in the Top 100. With an intriguing number of vivacious nicknames, from Jo to Josie to Fifi to Posy, Josephine is a Nameberry favorite.
    • Josh