NB andor unisex names

  1. River
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      River shares the tranquil feeling of all the water names, and seems to have pretty much escaped its past strong association with River Phoenix and his unfortunate fate. Actor Joaquin Phoenix named his son with actress Rooney Mara after his brother River.
  2. Roan
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Rowan
    • Meaning:

      "little redhead"
    • Description:

      Warm-hued spelling spin on Rowan that was chosen by Sharon Stone for one of her three young sons.
  3. Rock
    • Origin:

      Word name or diminutive of Rocco
    • Meaning:

      "rock or rest"
    • Description:

      Rock definitely has a macho image, if a somewhat caricatured one, ala The Rock. But with the rise of word names and also of tough guy names, Rock feels more plausible than it did a generation ago.
  4. Rune
    • Origin:

      German and Swedish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Name with connotations both mystical and tragic, newly popular in Europe. For English speakers, though, this name might be ruined by its homonym ruin.
  5. Sai
    • Origin:

      Hindi or Japanese
    • Meaning:

      "holy or difference"
    • Description:

      Sai is a name used in India to honor Shirdi Sai Baba, a spiritual master revered by both Hindus and Muslims.
  6. Salem
    • Origin:

      Biblical place-name or Arabic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Salem is a Biblical place name in Canaan, believed to be the same as Jerusalem, as well as the Massachusetts town famous for its late 17th century witch trials. Salem is also a popular first name in its own right throughout the Arabic world.
  7. Sea
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      With River and Ocean becoming mainstream, why not consider Sea?
  8. Seal
    • Origin:

      English word and nature name
    • Description:

      Projects the sleek and playful image of the aquatic mammal, plus that of the striking British-born Brazilian/Nigerian/Afro-Caribbean singer (born Sealhenry).
  9. Sky
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      Sky is an ambigender nature name that was first legitimized as the character of Sky Masterson in the 1950 musical Guys and Dolls, played in the film version by Marlon Brando. It's a name we appreciate for its clear, wide-open feel, less hippyish than others like Rainbow and Starlight, and makes an appealing middle name possibility.
  10. Slava
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Bold and spirited sounding Slavic short form of male and female names containing the element slava "glory".
  11. Steel
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Hard and shiny, Steel projects an image that's smooth, macho...and cold to the touch.
  12. Storm
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Windswept and dramatic, but perhaps asking for trouble. Quite popular in Denmark and Sweden, where it derives from Stromr, which is a fairly common surname. Storm Thorgerson is a famous bearer of the name - he designed iconic album covers for Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Cranberries, Anthrax, and Pink Floyd.
  13. Sydney
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Sidney, French
    • Meaning:

      "Saint Denis"
    • Description:

      The Sydney spelling most popular for girls: it's in the Top 50 on the female side. Cool for a girl, still nerdy for a guy.
  14. Soot
    • Sparks
      • Sprout
        • Sunflower
          • Telly
            • Thorn
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Rose and Briar are popular, and Hawthorn is cool – so why not the equally prickly Thorn? Add an E to give it a surnamey spin.
            • Tiger
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "animal name"
              • Description:

                Other wild animals like Fox, Wolf and Bear are catching on as baby names, and Tiger is a rarer option with several famous namesakes, including golf champ Tiger Woods, who was born Eldrick. Other famous Tigers include Indian actor Tiger Shroff, born Jai, and British actor Tyger Drew-Honey, who spells his name with a Y.