Both Unique and Classic French Girl Names

  1. Laurene
    • Origin:

      Variation of Lauren, English from Latin
    • Meaning:

      "from Laurentum or bay laurel"
    • Description:

      In the midcentury US, putting an ene or een or ine at the end of any name made it more stylish. Today, it usually has the opposite effect.
  2. Laurette
    • Laurine
      • Lea
        • Origin:

          Variation of Lee or Leah
        • Meaning:

          "meadow; weary"
        • Description:

          While traditionally pronounced as a homonym for Lee, Glee actress Lea Michele pronounces her name like Leah, and it may also rhyme with Freya. Regardless of your preferred pronunciation, it's interesting to note that Lea has always charted in the US Top 1000, despite coming close to the bottom a few times, making it one of the girl names starting with L that both fits in and stands out.
      • Leana
        • Leanna
          • Origin:

            Spelling variation of Liana; Combination of Lee and Anna
          • Description:

            A name that gained some currency through its rhyming relationship to Breanna, though it has been on a downward trend since 1989.
        • Leona
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            A Top 100 name from 1896 to 1921, Leona reached as high as Number 72. Since then, Leona had seemed to be one of the most unfashionable of the pride of lion names, but singer Leona Lewis has done a lot to rejuvenate it. Leona returned to the Top 1000 in 2009 after decades of being away.
        • Leonelle
          • Leonie
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Leonie is a chic French and German form of a name that exists in a range of variations from Leona to Leonia to Leon to Leo to Lionel, all newly fashionable after a couple of generations in style limbo.
          • Leonore
            • Origin:

              German short form of Eleanor
            • Description:

              Leonore is a melodic variation of the wide range of names related to Eleanor and, via a different root, Leonie that are so stylish throughout Europe right now and bound for greater visibility in the U.S. The name of one of the little princesses of Sweden, Leonore carries the gravity of Eleanor with more quirky charm.

              The only downside: Spelling and pronunciation confusion given so many similar variations, from Lenora to Leonie to Eleanora and onward.

          • Levana
            • Origin:

              Roman, Latin
            • Meaning:

              "to lift"
            • Description:

              Roman goddess of childbirth. Levana is one of the lesser-known ancient Roman goddess names and has a somewhat synthetic feel but authentic roots.
          • Liana
            • Origin:

              Short form of -liana names, Portuguese, Italian, Georgian, French
            • Meaning:

              "to climb like a vine"
            • Description:

              Liana is a pretty, graceful and simple name that doesn't fall flat. The name of a flowering tropical vine that grows in forests, it's an international gem that works well in multiple languages.
          • Liane
            • Lianna
              • Origin:

                Variation of Liana, French
              • Meaning:

                "to climb like a vine"
              • Description:

                Subtle botanical choice with cross-cultural appeal. Streamlined Liana is more common.
            • Lianne
              • Origin:

                Diminutive of Julianne or combination of Lee and Anne
              • Description:

                Lianne is occasionally used independently, but fairly flimsy. Our advice: Keep looking for a name that carries more individual authority.
            • Lili
              • Origin:

                Spelling variation of Lily or diminutive of Lilian
              • Description:

                Lili has been blooming in many forms for a couple of decades now. The Lili version will surely get more attention now that the Duke and Duchess of Susses, aka Harry and Meghan, are using is as a short form for their daughter Lilibet Diana's name. Lili makes the slight and light though that is not necessarily a bad thing; it also mutes the name's floral identity and gives it a cute and quirky repetitive spelling, ala Coco and Lulu. A famous German song is titled Lili Marlene.
            • Liliane
              • Origin:

                French variation of Lilian
              • Meaning:

                "lily, a flower"
              • Description:

                Now that Lily has become hugely popular, parents in love with this flower name are looking further afield for substitutes such as Liliane and Liliana.
            • Lilianne
              • Lilou
                • Origin:

                  Occitan pet form of French Liliane
                • Meaning:

                • Description:

                  Lilou is a charming, rarely heard import. Occitan is a language spoken in Provence, in the south of France, in which the suffix "ou" denotes a pet form — thus, Lilou as a short form of Liliane or its Occitan form Liliana or Liliano. Its popularity in France--where it's currently Number 12--can be traced to the 1997 film The Fifth Element.
              • Linnet
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "flaxen haired"
                • Description:

                  Although the accent in Linnet is on the first syllable, it could be confused with the dated Lynette.