Character Names for RC

Names used for some of my existing characters and names I might use in the future.
  1. Adrien
    • Aitana
      • Origin:

        Spanish place-name
      • Description:

        Aitana is the name of a Spanish mountain used by the poet Rafael Alberti for his daughter. He reportedly chose it because the mountain was his last glimpse of Spain when he went into exile after the Spanish Civil War. The name was popularized by Aitana Alberti's goddaughter and namesake, actress Aitana Sanchez-Gijan. It became one of the fastest-rising girls names in 2016, after entering the US Top 1000 in 2015, and is among the most popular Spanish names for girls in its native Spain and beyond.
    • Alasdair
      • Origin:

        Scottish variation of Alexander
      • Meaning:

        "defending men"
      • Description:

        In this country, more recognizable with the Alistair spelling.
    • Alexandre
      • Origin:

        French variation of Alexander
      • Meaning:

        "defending men"
      • Description:

        What's the difference between Alexander, the usual English spelling of this deeply classical name, and Alexandre, the French version? English speakers might find the proper French pronunciation challenging: a-lehk-SAHN-dreh, but that last syllable is barely pronounced. Americans might an an a or an ee on the end of the name, or simply pronounce it as Alexander, for better or worse.
    • Allaire
      • Origin:

        French surname, possibly meaning "cheerful"
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Allaire, a last name in France. could make a first, with its light and airy feel.
    • Allura
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "to entice, attract"
      • Description:

        Sounds like a princess -- or an enticingly evil witch -- in a fairy tale.
    • Alpheus
      • Origin:

        Hebrew from Greek
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        There is some disagreement whether there are one or two figures named Alpheus in the Bible. There's an Alpheus who's the father of James and an Alpheus who's the father of Levi, and if James and Levi are brothers, then that's the same Alpheus. Or not.
    • Alphonse
      • Origin:

        French from German
      • Meaning:

        "noble, ready for battle"
      • Description:

        Rarely used, and for good reason. Alonzo is a preferable choice.
    • Amarantha
      • Origin:

        Flower name; Greek
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Amarantha is a rare botanical name whose mythical equivalent was believed to be immortal. The Italian and Spanish form is the somewhat-more-acccessible Amaranta.
    • Aminta
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        One of the romantic names favored by British pastoral poets, more appealing in its longer form, Araminta.
    • Anemone
      • Origin:

        Flower name; Greek
      • Meaning:

        "daughter of the wind"
      • Description:

        Anemone is a floral name that relates to the ancient Greek myth of the famous love story of Aphrodite and Adonis, in which Aphrodite transforms her wounded lover's blood into a flower, the crimson anemone, whose blossoms are opened by the wind — accounting for its other name, windflower.
    • Anushka
      • Arabesque
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Meaning:

          "ornate design"
        • Description:

          Fanciful, edging toward bizarre.
      • Araceli
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "altar of the sky"
        • Description:

          Once-obscure Spanish name inching back up into the US Top 1000 girl names after a short break. Araceli Segarra is a noted mountain climber.
      • Araminta
        • Origin:

          Invented hybrid name from Arabella and Aminta
        • Description:

          Araminta is an enchanting eighteenth-century invention familiar in Britain and just beginning to be discovered here. It was used in 1693 by William Congreve in his comedy The Old Bachelor, and in 1705 by the versatile Sir John Vanbrugh, architect of Blenheim Palace as well as a playwright, for his comedy The Confederacy.
      • Arden
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "valley of the eagle; high"
        • Description:

          Arden, the name of the magical forest in Shakespeare's As You Like It, is a stylish A name with a strong, straightforward image. Another reason to love Arden: its similarity to "ardent." Arden is solidly unisex, with the current gender distribution running about 60 percent girls and 40 percent boys.
      • Arielle
        • Origin:

          French variation of Ariel
        • Meaning:

          "lion of God"
        • Description:

          While not as popular as the Ariel spelling of Little Mermaid fame, this rendition has achieved popularity in its own right.
      • Artemesia
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "gift from Artemis"
        • Description:

          Derived from Artemis, the name of the Greek mythological goddess of the moon and hunting, Artemesia has a couple of notable associations, among them a fourth century Queen of Caria who was responsible for the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World..
      • Ashira
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "I will sing"
        • Description:

          Unusual name with stylish, silky feel.
      • Astraeia