Movie Marquee Names: Eli, Ella and Evan
This week, Appellation Mountain‘s Abby Sandel finds fresh inspiration from the title character names on recent movie marquees.
Want to see your baby’s name in lights?
There are a few ways to go about it. There’s the Toddlers & Tiaras approach, courting fame with elaborate hair-dos and dance routines from an early age. Or you could choose the name of a Hollywood legend – Ava or Marlon or Humphrey.
Here’s my new favorite: head to the multiplex. Right now Hanna and Arthur are on the marquee. Even if you aren’t into movies about teenaged assassins or immature playboys, odds are that you’ll notice their names. Many a stylish appellation has graced a movie poster.
Not every name catches on, of course. It will take more than a singing chipmunk to revive Alvin, and Americans might love the boy wizard, but we’re not naming our sons Harry – yet.
Looking back over the past few years, choosing a baby name from movie ticket stubs might be a winning proposition.
Bettie – Gretchen Mol portrayed controversial pin-up girl Bettie Page in a 2005 biopic.
Helen – She’s been in fashion limbo until recently, but today she’d fit right in with Alice and Jane.
Jane – Easily the most popular marquee names for girls, thanks to Jane Austen.
Juliet – A close second to Jane.
Juno – She’s yet to crack the US rankings, but ever since Ellen Page’s breakout role, this goddess name is being worn by more and more baby girls.
Miri – Borrowed from one of the more R-rated films to inspire this list, Zack and Miri Make a Porno. The movie might be wildly inappropriate for young eyes, but Miriam is a graceful name, and Miri makes for a very wearable short form.
Serenity – It’s the ship, not a character, in the 2005 sci fi flick, but given the popularity of the name, she earns a spot on this list.
Arthur – He’s appeared on the marquee three times in recent years.
Bruno – Like Miri, you might not want your child to see the movie until he’s all grown up, but the name has some possibility.
Charlie – Tied with Arthur for king of the marquee over the past decade.
Fred – Vince Vaughn played the less successful of the Claus brothers in the 2007 holiday movie Fred Claus. Fred isn’t much of a given name, but Frederick is a classic and Freddie keeps company with Alfie in the UK.
Hitch – Will Smith played Alex Hitchens, a.k.a. Hitch, in the 2005 romantic comedy. With boys named Cash and Gage, Hitch could work.
Indiana – Also a possibility for girls, but the enduring Henry “Indiana” Jones earns this state name a place on the boys’ list. Another option for diehard fans? Jones’ middle name, Walton.
Rocky – Like Indiana, Rocky is one of the best-known characters of our time. It’s easy to forget that he was born Robert.
Scott – Scott has faded in recent years, but the literary charm of F. Scott Fitzgerald coupled with graphic novel turned indie flick Scott Pilgrim vs. the World could keep him current.
Have I missed your favorite movie title name? Would you use one of these even if you weren’t a fan of the movie?