

Tadhg Origin and Meaning

The name Tadhg is a boy's name of Irish origin meaning "poet".

The name of several ancient kings and princes of Ireland, Tadhg became so common at one point that it was used to represent a kind of Irish Gaelic everyman, or man in the street, as Paddy and Mick would later. Tadhg has seen a major resurgence in recent years and is also now ranked in England.

It is sometimes used as the Irish equivalent of Timothy and is also anglicized as Teague and Thaddeus. Tadleigh and Thad are pet forms. Pronunciation is like tide ending with a g or like the first syllable of tiger.

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Famous People Named Tadhg

  • (Joseph) Tadhg Kelly
    American actor
  • Tadhg Ó Neachtain
    Irish poet and scribe
  • Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn
    Irish poet
  • Tadhg Óg Ó Cianáin
    Irish diarist
  • Tadhg De Búrca
    Irish GAA Waterford Hurler
  • Tadhg Kennelly
    Irish footballer

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