Names That Are Words
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- Clarity
English virtue nameMeaning:
"the quality of being clear"Description:
Clarity is one of the lightest of the newly rediscovered virtue names, with a bit of three-syllable sparkle, old-fashioned charm and a clear vision for the future. Clarity is a very desirable quality in this confusing world and it also, unlike some other newly coined word names, has real meaning and history as a name.
- Cassimere
- Cygnet
- Discovery
English word nameDescription:
Adventurous word choice, but still quite a burden for a child to bear.
- Earnest
- Epiphany
Word name, GreekMeaning:
"manifestation, striking appearance"Description:
Epiphany is based on the ancient Greek word for a feeling or realization that comes upon you suddenly. It often relates to the divine, as in the realization that Christ is the son of God. The Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, takes place on January 6, ranking Epiphany among the unique January baby names. As word names and spiritual names become more popular, the attractive Epiphany becomes a more viable choice.
- Eternity
Word nameDescription:
Might have a shot as a name, à la Genesis and Destiny, if it weren't for yet another perfume connection.
- Euphoria
English word nameMeaning:
"a feeling of intense excitement or joy"Description:
A pretty and modern word name for a daughter, expressing great happiness.
- Ever
English word nameMeaning:
"always, constantly, eternally"Description:
Similar in sound to Evan and Everett, Ever is an evocative word name that's currently on the rise. Used by Alanis Morissette and Souleye back in 2010, Ever was given to more than 200 boys in 2023, compared to 125 girls.
- Fideline
A kind of French virtue name, an affectionate form of Fidele.
- Finesse
English from French, word nameDescription:
"Saturday Night Live" cast member Finesse Mitchell often mocks his own and similar names when portraying the character Starkeisha on the show.
- Gingham
- Harmony
Word nameMeaning:
If Melody and Lyric are on your style sheet, the peaceful Harmony, popularized by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, should be too. Girls names starting with the "Har" sound like Harper, Harley, and Harlow have been trending in recent years. This musical choice fits right in, and it is no wonder that Harmony has been in the Top 200 since 2014.
- Haven
Word name, EnglishMeaning:
"a place of safety"Description:
Haven is a recently invented safe-harbor name that appeals to an increasing number of parents who don't want to voyage quite as far as Heaven.
- Julep
English from PersianMeaning:
"rose water"Description:
Move over Brandy and Sherry, Julep is an alcohol-inspired name that certainly feels unique today, despite sharing similar sounds to popular Juliet and Juliana.
- Justice
English word nameMeaning:
"the quality of being just, impartial, or fair"Description:
Justice, one of the rare virtue names for boys, entered the popularity ranks in 1992, and has remained on the list ever since. Parents' search for names implying virtue has led to a mini-revival of this long-neglected name in both its German homonymic form, Justus, and as the word itself. Steven Seagal was ahead of the curve when he used it back in 1976.
- Karma
"destiny, spiritual force"Description:
Some parents, including rapper Ludacris, are literally bestowing good karma on their children; it could just join the new spiritual name congregation.
- Light
Word nameDescription:
A shimmering day name, with a bit of hippie residue.
- Love
Word nameMeaning:
Love makes an endearing middle name, as in Jennifer Love Hewitt. However, more parents are considering Love as a first name — enough for it to enter the charts for the first time in 2022 as one of the fastest-rising names of the year. Other love-related alternatives include Juliet, Valentina, and Amor.
- Linen