Girls Names Beginning With C

  1. Coletta
    • Origin:

      Italian and Spanish variation of Colette or short form of Nicoletta
    • Description:

      Coletta is a Latin relative of the better-known French Colette, which is derived from Nicole and is ultimately a feminization of Nicholas. Only a handful of baby girls are named Coletta or Nicoletta in the US each year, making this one of the rarest of the many forms of the name.
  2. Colette
    • Origin:

      French, short form of Nicole, feminine variation of Nicholas, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "people of victory"
    • Description:

      Like the French author with whom the name is most closely associated, Colette is a chic and charming name that is being rediscovered. After disappearing for nearly 30 years, Colette rejoined the Top 1000 in 2012 at Number 659 and has continued to rise since then.
  3. Colibrí
    • Origin:

      French and Spanish word name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The French and Spanish word for "hummingbird" is lithe and charming as a girl name.
  4. Collette
    • Colline
      • Colomba
        • Origin:

          Italian version of Columba
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          This spelling used in Italy and Spain shares the peaceful meaning of dove with the more familiar Columba. It's a Top 35 name in Chile.
      • Colombe
        • Colombia
          • Origin:

            Place-name and Latin
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Colombia is a South American country name, with a rhythmic sound and peaceful connotations. The Irish Colm, Scottish Callum, and Columba are all attractive relatives of Colombia (or Columbia, if you're thinking of the college).
        • Columba
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Columba is an early saint's name that rhumbas to a modern beat. While the original St. Columba is male, the name sounds more appropriate for a girl in the modern world. Leave variations Colm and Callum for the boys.
        • Columbia
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "land of Columbus"
          • Description:

            Columbia is a rarely used name with many associations. From the eighteenth century it has been used as a female personification of the United States, often appearing as a flag-draped patriotic figure. And as such it's inspired a plethora of place and company names, from the District of Columbia to Columbia University to Columbia Records, and songs like "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean." A character called Columbia appears in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
        • Comet
          • Origin:

            Nature name
          • Description:

            Soaring astral name has a great gender-free feel. It also has a pleasing christmas connotation, courtesy of the reindeer listed in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
        • Comfort
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Description:

            This Puritan virtue name may be unstylish, but it is also sympathetic and appealing in these largely uncomfortable times.
        • Concetta
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            A name that relates to Concepcion and the Virgin Mary, but feels a good deal more secular.
        • Concettina
          • Conchita
            • Origin:

              Spanish, diminutive of Concepcion
            • Description:

              Concepcion dressed in red satin.
          • Concordia
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "peace, harmony"
            • Description:

              This name of the goddess of peace creates a lovely ideal.
          • Condoleezza
            • Origin:

              Modern invented name
            • Description:

              Made famous by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, whose parents fashioned her name from a musical term meaning "with sweetness".
          • Conifer
            • Origin:

              Tree name from Latin
            • Meaning:

          • Connie
            • Origin:

              Diminutive of Constance
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Connie is a sweet and charming vintage nickname, which ranks in the top 200 in the UK and has a vintage charm that makes it ready for a comeback in the US as well.
          • Constance
            • Origin:

              English version of Latin Constantia
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Constance is one of the more subtle of the virtue baby names, but still has quite a prim and proper image. One impediment to its revival has been the decidedly dated nickname Connie, though modern parents might well opt for using the strong and dignified name in full.