Heartfelt girl names that start with E
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If you like E girl names than these sweet and soft girl names are perfect for you're little girl.
- Elvene
- Elvy
- Elyette
- Emberly
Modern invented nameDescription:
The Kimberly of the current age, but currently less popular than either Ember or Everly.
- Emblyn
The Cornish version of Emmeline holds many charms.
- Emmelyn
- Epiphany
Word name, GreekMeaning:
"manifestation, striking appearance"Description:
Epiphany is based on the ancient Greek word for a feeling or realization that comes upon you suddenly. It often relates to the divine, as in the realization that Christ is the son of God. The Feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, takes place on January 6, ranking Epiphany among the unique January baby names. As word names and spiritual names become more popular, the attractive Epiphany becomes a more viable choice.
- Essence
English word nameMeaning:
"the most significant element of a thing or person"Description:
Heavily perfumed word name that peaked a few years ago.
- Estephany
- Ethelene
- Ethical
Word nameDescription:
Upstanding to a fault.
- Eustacie
- Evangelyn
- Eveny
- Evlene
- Evone
- Evrose
Invented literary nameDescription:
A combination-type name invented by L. Frank Baum for a Princess character who first appears in his book Ozma of Oz.
- Evyonne
- Elenquent
- Evelone