I love dogs, and dog names.
  1. Bronson
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of brown-haired one"
    • Description:

      This surname has a modern yet old New England feel, perhaps because of the association with the transcendental teacher and reformer Bronson (born Amos Bronson) Alcott, father of Louisa May. (One-time sitcom star Bronson Pinchot's full name is Bronson Alcott Pinchot.) A more muscular image comes via tough guy Charles Bronson.
  2. Clove
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      Clove is a spice name that is a tad more piquant than Saffron or Cinnamon. It might get more attention now as a member of The Hunger Games family of names.
  3. Dezi
    • Hudson
      • Origin:

        English place-name and surname
      • Meaning:

        "Hugh's son"
      • Description:

        Hudson has risen quickly up the charts over the past 30 years, getting a lot of its style value from New York's Hudson River. That makes it a nature name and a place name that's also got the fashion gloss of New York City.
    • Indiana
      • Origin:

        American place-name
      • Meaning:

        "land of the Indians"
      • Description:

        Indiana is one of those place-names (think Camden and Trenton) that sounds cooler than the place that inspired it. Its fashionable -ana ending certainly sounds eminently name-like, and Indie/Indy/Indi is one of the hottest nickname names for girls right now.
    • Idgi
      • Mac Guyver
        • Piper
          • Origin:

            English occupational name
          • Meaning:

            "pipe or flute player"
          • Description:

            Piper is a bright, musical name that entered the list in 1999, one year after the debut of the TV series Charmed, which featured a Piper, and it's been a consistent riser since. Piper Kerman is the memoirist whose prison experiences provided the basis for the hit Netflix series Orange is the New Black.
        • Romy
          • Origin:

            Diminutive of Rosemary, Roma, Romana, Romilly etc.
          • Description:

            Austrian actress Romy Schneider seemed to be the singular bearer of this international nickname name until it found new style currency in the past decade.
        • Ruger
          • Rumi
            • Sullivan
              • Origin:

                Irish surname
              • Meaning:

                "black-eyed one"
              • Description:

                Sullivan is a jaunty Celtic three-syllable name, with a real twinkle in its eye. It was immortalized in the 1930s classic film Sullivan's Travels and was chosen for one of Patrick Dempsey's twin boys. Nickname Sully is equally jaunty.
            • Tux