Days & Months
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For Boys or Girls, it may be nice to signify either the day or month they were born on by making it a middle name...or even a first!
- August
German form of Latin AugustusMeaning:
"great, magnificent"Description:
The name August is at its highest point since the 1890s, when it ranked among the Top 100 boy names in the US. And deservedly so, given its great meaning, historic roots, and cool nicknames.
- April
- December
English word nameMeaning:
"tenth month"Description:
Although this month name was used only for girls in a recent year, there's no reason it can't work for both genders. For a holiday baby, more original than Noel and more universal than Christmas.
- February
- Friday
- January
English word nameMeaning:
"month name"Description:
Thanks to two cultural influences, January has joined March, April, June and August as a plausible month name.
- July
English word nameMeaning:
"month name"Description:
Most things Jul-related – from the month of July to popular modern names Julia and Julian – originate with Roman emperor Julius Caesar, and the month name July is no exception. Fifteen girls and seven boys were named July in 2013, putting this month name into the class of gender neutral names.
- June
- March
English word nameMeaning:
"month name"Description:
March has never been popular as a month name, possibly because of its slightly abrupt sound. But with all kinds of month (and season, day, and holiday) names, from January to December, Sunday to Easter, Winter to Midnight, coming to the fore, March is beginning to seem eminently baby-ready.
- May
Diminutive of Margaret and Mary; month nameDescription:
May is a sweet old-fashioned name that hasn't been on the national charts in several decades, but is definitely sounding fresh and springlike. Parents are beginning to see it once more as one of the prettiest middle name options. May was as high on the list as Number 57 in the 1880s; it's now 228 on Nameberry.
- Monday
- November
English word nameMeaning:
"month name"Description:
The menu of usable month names seems to expand every, well, month, with such choices as November, October, and January joining more established names like April, May, June and August. Logical November nicknames include Nova, Novi, or Ember, making this a natural (if adventurous) choice for a baby girl. November is also, obviously, one of the perfect names for November babies.
- October
- September
English word nameMeaning:
"month name"Description:
Parents are beginning to turn away from springtime months like April and June and are moving toward the cooler and crisper three-syllable September, October, November, and December.
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Tuesday
"Tiu's Day,"Description:
When actress Susan Ker Weld changed her name to Tuesday, she opened up a whole calendar of possibilities. This was decades before the arrival of Sunday Rose Urban.
- Thursday
- Wednesday